Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising

El Fett

Sr Member
I just realized I never put up my showcase thread. Finished this guy in about 10 weeks in time for AX and SDCC this year. My build thread is here:

Used EVA foam, fabric, worbla and mostly surplus and surf store found items. Enjoy :)


And my finished product:


And the infamous douchestream (copyright Sean Soren Paul Lee) smile if you're familiar:


Some random internet finds of me and my lovely wife as Sunny


And lastly a video my Mamuro5254 (I can be seen at 3:17)

I learned a lot about some materials, glues and paints I hadn't worked with in the past and I can't wait to apply these new skills on to my next project ;)

Thanks for looking!



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I second that! Freekin sweet! Nailed it.
I'd love to do a Raiden, although i'm not sure i've got the skills to freehand yet, perhaps after iron man :)
I think theres some real potential for the Metal Gear armour if any of the highly talented individuals here can rip the 3d images and pep them?
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