Starcraft Ghost Costume


Active Member

Hi everyone,
So I finally decided to make a post for my costume.

The Ghost unit from the starcraft series has been replicated many times in its female form either as Kerrigan or Nova.



I looked through the web for male ghost costume and found only a few. Here are the guys who inspired me to build my own costume:

I started in mid September 2012 trying to have my costume readied for Halloween. Big shoot-out to TheHeroTutorial ( for his amazing videos on building foam armors. I did not use pepakura since they were none available for Ghost unit. And I felt more free at building, trying and fixing. Although at first it was more about building something that would fit on my body (which was not necessary accurate to the artworks) Here are some artworks that inspired me. You can see how the results differ significantly from the original photos.
Anyways, after a month and a half of building, coating, painting, soldering LED wires and installing a sound module in the rifle I was able to dress up for Halloween like this:


It cost me 1 full roll of EVA foam (4 x 8 ft), 2 packs of hot glue gun, few cans of spray paint, LEDs + resistors and wire, and a sound module from ebay.
The C-10 canister was also made of foam and giftwrap roll. A plastic bottle was used to make the tip of the barrel. The sound module was used to produce the gunshot and nuke sound. It was working on its own via a small speaker.


I might change it though because the wires are very thin and break easily

The costume has full coverage of body with the lycra suit. Featuring gunshot and nuke sounds with unit quotes randomly popping up from a mp3. However, looking back at it, there were many issues. I could hardly see through the pill caps. I used for the eyepiece, the LED were blinding especially at night.

The shoes were not fitted properly. The helmet and belt part were tight. The biceps did not fit or look right. I didn't manage to install lights everywhere I wanted. Another big turn down is that I couldn't go to the bathroom unless I took out my whole costume. It looked more like a female costume and you could hardly tell it's something related to Starcraft.

Oh well, I let the project rest for the school year and got back at it right after my last class ended in June 2013. When I pulled out my costume back, I reviewed the weak points enumerated above and started carving foam again.

I bought 1 new roll of EVA foam, hot glue and got to work.
Since I had all the time I want and no deadline I could freely tear out many pieces and replace them until I could get a satisfying results.
Many adjustment were made to the helmet around the eyepiece and mouthpiece.
The last picture shows the LEDs this time put on the auxiliary lenses. Once all the lights were set up, I covered the eyepiece this time with a rigid green transparent plastic I cut off a toy tambourine.

The biceps were totally remade.
old one
new one

I added some depth in the forearm energy chamber.

Shoulders and chest were rebuilt on top of the old parts.
I upgraded the belt part adding a detachable crotch protector for leak-walk.
I also added armoured thighs and redesigned the shoes and shin parts.
Lastly I added gloves with finger joint pads made of craft foam sheet.

The typical gray and black was replaced with a new white dip. After looking at many armored power suit I felt the white contrasting black pattern looked especially slick and decided to let my imagination go free again. A few parts were painted gray to create a bit of transition. Here are some inspiration:



However I certainly did not want to be misinterpreted for this


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(Continued thread)

I also added a few more details to the gun and remade the barrel with foam instead of the plastic bottle.

Completed the light set in the shoulders and forearms. Added a green cover on the unfinished ridges I left in the original part. Each forearm carries one 9 Volt battery.

The shoulders were connected to one 9 volt battery attached inside the chest part.

Then I started working on the green energy tubes which connect each forearm to the hand. I heard of EL wire tubing and got into contact with a store downtown. The owner was very enthusiastic with helping me decide on the right color and wire length and width. For my project, I ended buying two 4 ft wires (5mm diameter) for each arm + one 3 ft (2.6 diameter) for the eyes connected to the same battery. Cost me like 60$.
I attached the battery to the back of the helmet and used heat-shrink tubes to cover the parts that were not supposed to light up all the way to the arms and eyes.

EL wire glow and is does not emit a strong light during the day. However the glowing effect was just right enough as you can see in this photo taken during the day. I bought two feet of green cooling tubing on Dazmode for 17$ and inserted the EL wire through it to get a thicker look.

For the sound, I wanted to control which quote I wanted to shout when I go around. I abandonned the old mp3 device and bought a thinkgeek personal soundtrack shirt. It features 20 options I could transfer from my computer onto a SD card which can then be accessed via a remote control which gave me the freedom to chose what I wanted to say. I used this post (How do I mod a ThinkGeek Personal Soundtrack Shirt to output to Aker Amp - Electronics for Helmets / Blasters - First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) to help me connect it to a AKER amplifier which was really really loud and awesome!

I took out the old weak speaker from the gun and instead soldered the wires into a audio jack cord. The audio jack is then connected to the amplifier which gives a hell of a blast (it actually scared people at the convention and the volume was not even halfway on). However I've had issues with loose audio jack so unless you plug it right the sound won't come out. But it wasn't really a problem and worked like a charm when tweaked right.

Then just a few retouch here and there on the helmet and voila: SOMEBODY CALLED FOR AN EXTERMINATOR?
It took another 2 months running through all that and also combined with a small MIB neuralyzer project I built for my friend. We showed up at Montreal's Otakuthon Anime Convention and gave them hell!


Hope you guys enjoyed it!


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This is great, if i ever get the chance to build a costume like that i will... for now though as I'm limited to my dorm I'm working on a black ghost and using some small foam and shrink rap+ dirtbike armor and an old mask and lights. However I may use a small speaker in for sound... thats a good idea......

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
Here's a very small teaser!
hope you all enjoy =D

- - - Updated - - -

This is great, if i ever get the chance to build a costume like that i will... for now though as I'm limited to my dorm I'm working on a black ghost and using some small foam and shrink rap+ dirtbike armor and an old mask and lights. However I may use a small speaker in for sound... thats a good idea......

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2

Feel free to post some pictures when u're done!! :)
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