Latest KCP concept phaser


Sr Member
Hey guys.....

Been a while since I've posted here. I wanted to share with you a new concept phaser I did. Like the first concept, this is another kind of remake on the TOS phaser keeping in mind what it would look like if it were built today. Hope you guys like it. You just may get to see this or a version of it in something in the future. :)



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and here are some pics of the first concept again.... if you guys never saw the first one. You'll notice even though it looks similar, there are several changes to the weapon. I completely reCAD the weapon... internally and externally. I kept some details but tossed a bunch and added a lot of new. Still keeping the "look" of a TOS phaser if built today with a retro twist on it.


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Meh just does not work for me.

Now the first concept I LOVE!! :lol

It works very well for me. Hell, anything KCP has come up with so far has been much better than what is currently being called a phaser in the JJAbramsverse. I'd much rather see this than that piece of shiny, barrel flipping whatever it is.
Yup.... I put the moire pattern in there after doing some research on it. The moire was not specific to communications. It's a sensor which you see on the Communicator, Tricorder, as well as at Spock's work station. So, I figure why not use it on my phaser as a type of sensor/lock-on sight? I wanted to see how it would look. I'm going to use a tiny ipod and run animation like the moire animation.
JJAbramsverse does not exist in my time line but I know what you mean! ;)

It works very well for me. Hell, anything KCP has come up with so far has been much better than what is currently being called a phaser in the JJAbramsverse. I'd much rather see this than that piece of shiny, barrel flipping whatever it is.
I like the partially recessed emitter on the first design. It feels more incorporated into the design and less "stuck on".
Very nice reworking of your original design which I wanted really really badly :p . Question ; will the aspirator pile ie the raising cowl on the P1 rise like the original design or will it just be there flat all the time regardless of the P1 power setting?
I am hoping this version will be used in the next movie kinda like when the Enterprise show went from the MACO pistols the the Phase pistol?
I appreciated your efforts on the 2 movies, but that phaser really was not to many trekkies tastes .
Thanks again for making me and others drool over your concepts :cool .
Hey vidman....

Thanks for appreciating my efforts on..... (Into Darkness) I didn't work on JJ's first film. It was a challenge. As you guys probably already know, the first film guns were spring loaded. Actually, that's really all the prop master wanted me to do on the Into Darkness guns. However, I had already decided in advance that I wanted to do a great job for them.... especially since this was my first time working with this prop master. So, I went to work on designing a circuit for the new phaser and didn't tell anyone. It was only after I created the prototype with the working digital servo that I told anyone what I did. Since I didn't have any CAD models available to me and all at my disposal were the hero guns from the fist film. Which, really didn't do me any good cause I changed the hero design and had to start from scratch. The gun's design has a lot going on and anyone familiar with Solidworks can relate when I say it was a bitch. After making a bunch of changes

As for this new design, there is no P1. It only looks like there is one because I left the shape and colors in the model. This weapon is specifically designed for a heavy duty combat version with the intent of blowing holes through Klingons. That's why the emitter looks like a cross between a jet engine and the muzzle of the wave motion gun from Star Blazers. LOL I hope that doesn't disappoint that the cowl doesn't raise.

So, I know you guys are wondering why I'm changing the design or what project this weapon is for. Since I dropped the dime that it needs to be a heavy duty weapon and since its only another concept version and not the final, I can let it out what its for. I especially need to make it clear what it's not for. If this was intended for the new installment of Star Trek, I would certainly not be showing it anywhere to begin with. LOL Especially before offices open up or the film screens. LOL My GOD, the studio would have a field day with me. So, sorry to disappoint guys, its not for that project.

Now, since I would like to see one of my TOS concepts used for a production, I have been in communication with the producers for the Axanar project. SO, there ya have guys.... now you know where you may see it.
I love the CONCEPT phaser alternative design efforts. It brings variety and a unique look at the Star Trek Universe. Thanks for sharing. Great project.
Kenney, that is an awesome version! We have got to convince you to do a run of these kits with 3D printed parts and get someone to do metal machined parts (nozzle, moire ring, etc.).

What a coincidence, I was just going through the images from the last version and then I messaged you with a question.
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I dint generally like concept designs of existing props but I think those are really cool, I like all of them.
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