Despicable Me 6" Minion - WIP

Snow Builder

Sr Member
The bug hit me after dinner last night. Took a 2" diameter piece of scrap dowel, cut to size, and rounded the ends.


Feet: a couple of cut 1/2" dowels and 1/4" MDF

A quick dry-fit

A little more shaping and clean up to the body and feet

Next step is to get the sculpy and start working the skin and clothes.

More to come...
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Wow! That's some quality sanding. Nice work :)
Thanks, sadly all the wood will be hidden -maybe I'll do an "all-wood" version when this one is done.

I love those little guys. Can't wait to see more. Wood is a nice medium to see for a change.
I love working with wood, it's very gratifying (I just wish I was better at it).

i'll be keeping an eye on this!
I'll try not to disappoint!

be interesting to see how it turns out, minions are awesome!
Minions are one of my favorite animated characters. I also like the slugs from Flushed Away.

Progress (sort of). Covered with Sculpy and baked

Baked it too long, got some bubbles and deformations.

Added "jeans" texture to the clay.

Cleaning up the imperfections (hello my friend Bondo)

More to come...
loving it, my daughter has just asked me to make her a lifesize version which should be fun i'm quite looking forward to the minion movie rumoured for next year
Can't wait to see more!! Great Job so far!!:)
Thank you! Progress is going quickly -hope to have more to show soon.

Seriously, how do you sand it so perfectly?
I think you're being generous with your praise ;)

I used a belt sander to get the major curve in place, then a palm sander for clean up. Finished with a fine-grade sanding brick.

I can almost see it there already! Looking great thus far! :)
I think I can see it too -if I squint my eyes really hard ;)

loving it, my daughter has just asked me to make her a lifesize version which should be fun i'm quite looking forward to the minion movie rumoured for next year
Good luck with the project, drop me a line if there's anything I can do to help.

looking good. this is a great little project....

One of my favorite movies so I will be following this project.
Hope to keep coming up with something interesting. What do you think, one eye or two?

More progress:

Finally primed and sanded to a smooth finish.

Coveralls done! Used a cloth napkin to imprint the pattern on the Sculpey.

I'm very proud of the buttons.

View from the back.

Dry-fit the pieces. Not loving the legs and feet -think I'll be redoing them.

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This is so cute! Reminds me it's been far too long since I've played with sculpey.
Thanks. Definitely get out your Sulpey -fun stuff!

More progress, new legs and feet AND now he has arms and hands too.

I used a blade to make the impression of seams


Shoes even have soles -but need to sand them a little smoother.


At the moment, given the color of primer, I think it looks like a hotdog with pants.

More to come.


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looking really good, cant wait to see it finished

hot dog with pants. LOL all the little detail work looks great.

looking at thesemakes me want to try and make 1, really good job


These look fantastic so far!

What would you rate this on difficulty for someone who has no building experience?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the hardest) I'd put this at about a 3. The Sculpey is very forgiving, it stays malleable until baked. And, because all the minions are a little different, nobody can argue with your interpretation ;)

Progress continues, took a small dowel and rounded the edge, hit it with red putty, sanded, primed and sanded again.

Cut a piece of 1" PVC, rounded the edge and cut a groove into the outside edge.

Added in the mouth and the headband for the goggles (looks like he ate a melted marshmallow and is getting ready for a jog ;)

Test fit of the eye into the goggles

Cut, fitted (and secured) and added rivets to the goggle using fabric paint.


Hit it with a light coat of primer to look for areas that need attention. Looks like a deep undersea diver.





I think it's getting there. Next step, clean-up and paint.

More to come...
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