Warframe Frost - Stuck


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first time on the RPF, as well as my first major project. I was planning on making a coat in the likeness of the warframe frost. Apart from a massive sewing job to make the coat by scratch, I was hoping to have a bit of immersion in it. If you look at the idle animations for frost, you can see steam escaping from his shoulders/elbows area, so I was thinking some form of CO2 system running inside the coat. I dont know anything about working with CO2, but maybe running rubber tubing from a cylinder down to my hands where there would be a release valve that I can manually vent CO2 to more tubing that runs to my elbows.

If anyone can give me some advice on CO2 cylinders or rubber tubing, or how to get the system working altogether, thatd be appreciated.

have you considered ecig? theres several tutorials for converting them for cosplay floating around. heres one: http://valkyriestudios.net/making-a-mini-fog-machine/

ive been gathering the materials to make some myself soon.

another option is the photographer's fog in an aerosol can, the coat is big enough to conceal a couple. ive seen some tutorials for connecting those to servo triggers, tubing and solenoids but ill have to dig around i lost track of some links. let me know if youre interested.

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