Would anyone miss the price is right if cancelled?


Master Member
I was the worlds BIGGEST price is right fan. I watched it so much, I memorized the recurring products prices and new instantly more or less if someone won or loss.

At first, as soon as drew took over, it was a welcome change from the slower paced bob, who was clearly growing bored or tired.
But, that stopped after the first year as the show went from game show, to comedy routine, with more losses than wins, and just wasn't fun anymore. it got worse with all the ugly set changes and view screen updates.

Now I see they have...

a prime time reality star edition?

Why does this generation of mike richards price is right think the show needs gimmicks to survive?

makes you wonder why they no longer run the classic show on networks like buzzr. people will see how bad it's really gotten.
Yeah... I miss the heyday of daytime game shows... Price is Right, $25,000 Pyramid, Press Your Luck, Hollywood Squares, $ale of the Century
I watched it every day of every summer while I was in school. Just couldn't enough of Barker's Beauties, errr... Those exciting games!

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Yeah... I miss the heyday of daytime game shows... Price is Right, $25,000 Pyramid, Press Your Luck, Hollywood Squares, $ale of the Century

The only thing I remember from Hollywood Squares is when they had Alf (the sitcom puppet) on.

Q: What has 235 bones in it?

Alf: One of those fish sandwiches from McDonald's?
Price is Right has done their share of gimmicks. They did a prime time one one that was so fixed it hurt. Cute blonde girl won like 3 cars... just killed everyone.
I watched the Survivor edition last night, and I actually liked it. The contestants asked advice from their Survivor partners, but they still played the game themselves. Commentary and music were just Survivor-themed, and I was amused with "the wheel has spoken" and Jeff putting out the torches.

Not for an every-day thing, but as a special, it was amusing. I don't think that Big Brother has anything, though, that will add any unique touches.
I wouldn't mind if most game shows were canceled, they've all been dumbed down over the years. Price hasn't been good in at least 20 years, even with Bob hosting it was getting bad as the guests got dumber and dumber. Last time I watched a game show was Hollywood Squares in the 90s with Tom whatshisname hosting it. I'd rather watch reruns of 40 year old game shows when the hosts were funny and the guests were tacky.
I still miss Bob. He was one of the constants of me growing up. I liked it that although almost everything had changed in my life going from a kid to adult, but Bob was still right there until he retired just after I was 30. I know that would seem like a silly comfort to most people, but I liked it.
I watched the Survivor edition last night, and I actually liked it. The contestants asked advice from their Survivor partners, but they still played the game themselves. Commentary and music were just Survivor-themed, and I was amused with "the wheel has spoken" and Jeff putting out the torches.

Not for an every-day thing, but as a special, it was amusing. I don't think that Big Brother has anything, though, that will add any unique touches.

to me, it just smacks of two things.

1 - CBS Show promotion

2- social media clip generator.

just like all the other specials they do. the only one that they should do, and keep, is the military specials. those where always a tradition.

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Still say Bob would never have allowed male models.

especially when the guys act far ditzier and brainless than the girls ever did. all they do is stand there and try to wave. the girls had personality and where allowed to shine through. I still miss kathleen.

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... all those polyester blazers with turtlenecks. Sideburns and mustaches. Big rectangular glasses.

bret sommers was sexy and you know it....

god, someone help me....
I bid $1.

Seriously, that show is still on? I remember when they switched it to one hour long.. "Hour of Power!". They should let it go now. It was for a different generation.
"Enjoy" is something I rarely apply to TV game shows. As a kid they were just filler shows.

Notable exceptions:

Gong Show - yes, I loved this show! Loved the Unknown Comic and the running gags.
Almost Anything Goes - this show in 1976 was basically like some of the Japanese game shows are today.
TRIUMPH Huge Nerds 1000.jpg
That's true. For some reason, Gilligan was on forever.

I remember that dark hour before transformers at 4pm where I would have to sit through soap operas

the only time I tried to sit throuh soap operas was after I graduated from high school. so bored sitting home.
Didn't last long and eventually went to work with my father when i couldn't decide what to do ;o)

Lets make a deal I'll agree with. but those other shows don't have the same excitement as game shows for me, even gilligan ;o).
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