What's a good/easy way to convert one gun into another?


New Member
My son is going as Rocket Raccoon for Halloween and I'm going with him as Groot. We picked up a large plastic squirt gun from last weekend's garage sale that I want to convert into Rocket's gun. It doesn't have to be screen accurate, just four barrels on the end, boxy with random greebles, etc.

So I'm looking at this gun and trying to determine the best way to basically put a box around it. My first thought was maybe using sheet styrene to cover it, but I've never done anything like this before, so I figured I'd go to the masters.

So what material should I use to transform this generic squirt gun to something an anthropomorphic raccoon would carry?

Try posting a picture of the squirt gun so we can see what we are working with :thumbsup

That would make sense. Here it is:



  • IMG_0575.JPG
    2.2 MB · Views: 60
Obviously you're not going for screen accuracy here.
Why don't you get 4 lengths of 2 inch PVC or ABS pipe. Secure two together with screws or bolts and nuts. You may have to drill a larger hole so that you can bolt the pair together where they touch. Do the same thing to the other pair of pipes so that you have two "double barrels". Then find a way to secure the pairs to each side of the squirt gun. You may have to shim in between them to get them parallel. Afterwards get some sheet plastic and cover the pipes so that you get a rectangular shape. File another piece of a much narrower PVC pipe and get some kind of mount to glue it to the side to act as a gun sight. Test fit it at several locations so that it looks and feels functional, as if a racoon could fire it.


Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Yeah I'm mostly looking for recognizable not screen accurate, especially considering there's a decent chance my son will drop it at least once while we are trick-or-treating. I grabbed that gun because it was about the right size for him, it had a carrying strap, and it was a $1.
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