C2E2 2017 - Chicago


Sr Member
C2E2 coming up fairly soon, so I guess it's time to see who is going this year and cosplaying as what (if they are).

A lot of interesting guests are expected and I think it'll be Stan Lee's final appearance at this convention. Frank Miller and Rob Liefeld probably top the list of comic guests (http://www.c2e2.com/Guests/Comic-Guests/) and a quite a few interesting entertainment guests ( http://www.c2e2.com/Guests/Entertainment-Guests/) with David Hayter and the original Black and Blue Rangers on my list to meet.

I'll only be there for the Saturday of the con. I'll be cosplaying the Nightingale armor set from Skyrim.

Hope to see/meet some of you there!
The Tribune did an article promoting C2E2 last year, but it was like the Monday before, so it didn't give a whole lot of people time to plan for it. My theory has always been that there is constantly so much going on in Chicago that the convention sometimes gets overshadowed.

I was supposed to be sporting Civil War Ant-Man this year, but life interrupts life and I just did not have the time to devote to it. Maybe for WWCC at the end of the summer. Instead, I will probably reprise Shriek and/or Red Hood. No need to show up with something new EVERY year. I wear what I like! And I am super psyched, it is one of my favorite weekends of the year.
Sorry to hear that fellas. I was bummed too when I saw so many had cancelled. Hopefully next year they can bring in some more.

If anyone IS going to be there, come say hi. This is what I will look like on Saturday, but my face looks the same on the other days just with less scowl ;)

Finished 3.jpg
I saw that Aquaman on Saturday. The con itself was enjoyable because of friends and the people I know from the We Are Cosplay and Costumers with a Cause booths. But Saturday seemed that the attendance was way higher than previous years. It felt claustrophobic at times.
I had some guy try to start a fight with me because I wouldn't let him take a photo of me; but other than that C2 this year wasn't bad. I agree that Saturday seemed way more crowed that years past.
The attendance, particularly on Saturday, has been on a steady incline for the past few years. Hence, this year and last year they had to funnel people around the side rather than use the main entrance: there would just be too many people in the lobby. Plus, there was the whole wristband nonsense with the Crown Championship of Cosplay. I wonder what, if anything, they will do next year to try and mitigate the crowd, given the steady increase in attendance.
A fight over a picture? yep. I had the "Cosplay is not Consent" police bust me. I was taking a selfie with a prop and my phone wasn't in selfie mode. I snapped a picture of some random girl before I turned it around. Two dudes accosted me and made me delete the picture like it was some major crime. I apologized profusely but they just wouldn't let it go.
It was like they were looking to make an example out of someone.
A fight over a picture? yep. I had the "Cosplay is not Consent" police bust me. I was taking a selfie with a prop and my phone wasn't in selfie mode. I snapped a picture of some random girl before I turned it around. Two dudes accosted me and made me delete the picture like it was some major crime. I apologized profusely but they just wouldn't let it go.
It was like they were looking to make an example out of someone.
Sounds like they were looking for a fight. I think this guy was as well; I was in my Red Skull and he came up to me and started ranting how I hate all black people and am a nazi. After which he asked for a picture. When I said no, he got in my face and started getting really aggressive.
I did ask him if he calls anyone in a hydra t-shirt a nazi as well. Turns out he didn't have an answer for that.
Greeting all. I was at C2E2 ...went with sole purpose of meeting David Hayter from METAL GEAR SOLID. He was fantastic !!! Weeks before I sent him a gift and he posted it on his twitter feed. I bought him an airsoft SOCOM mk23 pistol...he loved it and mentions it/me in an interview on twitch tv later that day . Here is the video he took on my phone .
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Sounds like they were looking for a fight. I think this guy was as well; I was in my Red Skull and he came up to me and started ranting how I hate all black people and am a nazi. After which he asked for a picture. When I said no, he got in my face and started getting really aggressive.
I did ask him if he calls anyone in a hydra t-shirt a nazi as well. Turns out he didn't have an answer for that.

wow thats pretty rude.
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