Han Solo DL-44 blaster: ESB Bespin, Hoth , ANH Hero & Greedo Killer

Country Paul

Sr Member
Ok so I know this has been done loads of times in loads of threads & probably better than I'm gonna do

but I wanted to record my build (as much for myself) & hopefully maybe get some advice along the way

I've read lots of old built threads & hopefully learned from them, but usually there was some build detail or other I wanted to know that wasnt there

After all of the searching I did to find a Denix Mauser here in the UK I've then just left it sat in a box for 6 months while I dithered about what Blaster I wanted to build with it especially as I might not find another anytime soon.

I didn't want to commit to a specific Blaster until I knew that i could get all of the parts for it, I hate having things half finished

Anyway I love the ESB Blaster & the parts seem to be a little cheaper & easier to come by than say a Greedo Killer or ROTJ, my decision was finally made for me when I got a ANH Blaster from Odiwan72 in the junkyard which scratched that itch :)

So I set about finding parts, so far I have (or have ordered)

Denix Mauser (from Ebay)
Flash Hider (from Evolution Props)
Original M19 scope (from Maxspr1 in the Junyard- not arrived yet)
Scope Mount (From Blast Tech - not arrived yet)
V8 pistons (From Blast Tech - not arrived yet)

Still Need

Motor Coil part (struggling with this)
Maybe better pistons
Maybe better Scope Mount knob

I've never tried to work with metal before so I just hope I'm going to be able to mount the pistons, scope mount etc. never tried drilling metal

So I got my Mauser broken down for starters


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

As the flash hider is the only part that has arrived so far I thought I would start there :)

I sawed off the front sight from the Mauser & found that the Flash Hider wouldnt fit barrel was too thick or inside of hider too narrow :lol

so I set about filing & sanding the barrel down with a metal file & sandpaper (before realising I could use my dremel)

after some work I've filed the barrel down enough that the flash hider slides on ok

I read in another build thread that the barrel inc flash hider should be 5 inches?? not sure if this is correct but it is what I've worked too for now

do people think that's too long, too short or just right?

obviously I can make it shorter if needs be (dont know about longer)

compared to my Doopydoos resin blaster it looks a lot longer but I Don't know how accurate that was

I've also sanded off the denix logo & the nub from in front of the hammer

not sure if I'll want to paint or blue the denix although it may be easier to paint as i'm not familiar with bluing & the pics I've been looking at look more like paint (but I may well be wrong)

like everything on this build it will be governed by my limited skills & available tools/parts rather than 100% accuracy

You may also notice that I'm missing the slider from the mauser sight, wasn't there when I got it, not sure where I'll find one either, no luck so far

need to get the rest of the Mauser rubbed down & then just wait for the parts to arrive


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Off to a good start! IMO, you could let the barrel peek out a little bit more, just so the muzzle edge sticks out of the hole. Also, to my eye, the barrel looks a tad too long - I'm building one of these too right now, and made some screenshot comparisons before I was happy with the barrel length. The Denix has a little different outline compared to the MGC, so one has to compromise a bit. Trust your eye - go for what looks right when compared to screenshots.

I wouldn't worry about the metal work - the Zamak alloy Denixes are made of is easy to work with. The alloy is soft making hacksaw, file or drill work a breeze.

As for the bluing/painting dilemma, I'd recommend rebluing with a product like Birchwood-Casey's Aluminum Black. Very easy to use, results are at the very least comparable to the Denix original bluing. The Denix contains very little aluminium and will turn black as soon as you apply the compound.

I'd sand the Denix logo area smooth and apply bluing compound to it - not as time consuming as stripping and rebluing the entire gun. Just sand the area, wash and degrease well, then apply the bluing compound. For best results, follow the directions on the bottle, but do heat the area you're about to blue - a heat gun will suffice. Oil the blued areas afterwards for a nice, gun-like sheen.
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Ok so technically I've not made any build progress but I got a package in the post today from Blast Tech :)

My Scope Mount & Pistons, they both look great & come with all the fixings

just eagerly waiting on the M19 Scope now, also hopefully got a more accurate Bespin style Mount knob & some detailing greeblies coming,

I won't start drilling anything until it's all here & I can decide which parts best to use

I need to rub down the rest of the Mauser, it's finished is a bit mottled & nasty so I want to start over

still not sure which way to go i.e. Blued or painted

I have no clue about blue or how to apply it, I've been looking at the birchwood casey blues on ebay & there seems to be super blue, perma blue & Aluminium Black not sure which I'd need??

I may still go with paint as I know what I'm doing :lol


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

looking good so far :)

I would recommend to re-check the correct placement of the mounting-bracket before drilling into the mag well.
Seems like it's placed too low atm...

will try to get you stuff out on wednesday :)

Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

I've been looking at the birchwood casey blues on ebay & there seems to be super blue, perma blue & Aluminium Black not sure which I'd need??
Get the Aluminium Black - the others are intended for steel. (Aluminium Black is not meant for the zinc alloy the Denix is made of, but it works anyway...)

You'll need plastic gloves, a bucket of hot water and a hot air gun for best bluing results. Heat the gun part you're about to blue - it does improve the results. Other than that, it's pretty much about following the instructions on the bottle. Apply the bluing compound with a cotton swab. You'll see the bare metal turn black instantly. (This is the way zinc alloy reacts to the bluing - aluminium needs to have the compound rubbed in, and it smells kinda bad when oxidizing.)

Let the bluing stuff sit for a minute, then dunk the part in the water bucket - this stops the oxidation process. Rinse and dry. If part is gray and/or mottled, repeat process. The parts will still appear matt and a bit mottled when dry, this is normal. Take a suitable oil (I'd recommend silicone oil for zinc alloy guns) and oil the parts for a deeper and blacker sheen. Put aside and let cure overnight. Done.

I've reblued Denixes and MGC's and every time the finished result has been better than the original, so I really recommend bluing instead of painting.
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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Ok so once again I've not technically made much build progress but ...... my M19 scope came today :)

I love it, I'd happily just have it sat displayed on a shelf, for 70 years old it's in pretty good shape

It's had it's screw threads enlarged at some point, it's not really noticeable but I'll have to enlarge the holes in the scope mount to fit

I'm just waiting on a couple of detail greeblies now & then I'll have to man up & get started :lol

based on the advice I've had here I've ordered some Birchwood Casey Aluminium Black for the Mauser along with some silicone gun oil (hope that's right)

if it doesn't work out I can always start over & paint it :)

the only thing alluding me now is a replacement slider part for the adjustable rear sight on the Mauser, I'd go with a whole new sight but can't find one of them either :lol


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

I've got a real mauser sight and real v8 pistons I can spare if you're interested.

im gathering parts too and yours is looking good!
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Looking good indeed! Drool @ the M19...
Yeah, silicone oil is nice to zinc guns. Let me know if you have any questions re: bluing with Aluminium Black.


Here's what it can look like - the Denix was completely stripped and reblued, middle MGC had some serious wear on barrel and part of receiver, so it's partially reblued. Bottom MGC has original finish. The black-grey turns deeper and blacker when the oil is applied. For the best possible cold-blued surface, some recommend that the blued part be rinsed in hot oil instead of water. It's supposed to give a really fine sheen and protection... haven't tried it myself though.


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Thanks for the advice

Those Mausers look great, hoping mine comes out nearly as well

I take it that you can still weather/wear the blued finish
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Thanks! I'm sure you'll get great results with the Aluminium Black. And yes - cold bluing weathers quite well :)
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Looking good, Paul! So glad the scope arrived.
I was about to start bluing my MR with Birchwood Casey Perma Blue (it works on zinc also, but gives more of a brown finish), but I may try out some Aluminum Black and see which I like best.
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Looking good! Some top tips too!

Really like the finish on those blued and blacked mausers.
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

IMHO, The Aluminum Black is a must to replicate the scoring on the muzzle. Most likely you will need to use a little steel wool to break up the surface area so that the AB takes to it. AB tends to work best and adhere better when you do a light coat, rinse it, and keep redoing to you get it the way you like. Otherwise if you try to do a deep dark color in one pass, it may not adhere to the surface.

For some reason I do not have picts of my DL44 on hand but I have some other images to show what you can do with AB:

All the black on the Katarn and Luke V2, the black/weathering on the Obi emitter, and the weathering on the dog tag.


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

They look great, I'm hoping that the Aluminium black works for me but I'm not sure how I will go on, there is still a chance that this will end up painted :lol

From the pics I've seen of the original props I can't tell if it was painted or blued (I'm guessing blued??)

I've tried to gather as many pics/screenshots of the prop as I can to work from, that said there don't seem to be that many

don't think I've ever seen a pic of the left side of the Bespin blaster

here are the pics I've got so far, if anyone has any others I'd love to see them :)

They're all just taken either from either this site or google images so I'm hoping I'm ok to post them here (please let me know if not)

I realise that they are a mix of the Hoth, Bespin & Luke's

Does anyone know if the Bespin Blaster had a spacer between the scope mount & the Mauser? I've seen it done both ways & trying to decide how best to do it.


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Got my last parcel of parts for this today from Odiwan72, Motor Coil plates, side details, V8 Pistons & another Bespin knob :)

so decided it was time to actually crack on with it a little,

I enlarged the scope mount hole to take the wider threaded rod,

& then I took a deep breath & started drilling into the Denix

I don't have the steadiest hand & I wasn't brave enough to break out the power tools so I just used a hand drill, only took about 2mins to get through the magwell

fiddled about getting a nut & washer on the inside & the threaded rod (cut down screw) was just long enough,

I've not used any spacers or washers between the mount & the mauser at the moment,

I may need to use a drop of epoxy to hold the mount in place when I'm finished to stop it swivelling (even though I know that's accurate :lol)

will try to get the piston's drilled & test mounted tomorrow,

funny the moment I put the scope mount on it felt like a Blaster :)


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

They look great, I'm hoping that the Aluminium black works for me but I'm not sure how I will go on, there is still a chance that this will end up painted :lol

From the pics I've seen of the original props I can't tell if it was painted or blued (I'm guessing blued??)

I've tried to gather as many pics/screenshots of the prop as I can to work from, that said there don't seem to be that many

don't think I've ever seen a pic of the left side of the Bespin blaster

here are the pics I've got so far, if anyone has any others I'd love to see them :)

They're all just taken either from either this site or google images so I'm hoping I'm ok to post them here (please let me know if not)

I realise that they are a mix of the Hoth, Bespin & Luke's

Does anyone know if the Bespin Blaster had a spacer between the scope mount & the Mauser? I've seen it done both ways & trying to decide how best to do it.

Luke/Han shared has a spacer. Store - Product Detail
Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

Tiny bit more progress, got the holes drilled for the V8 Pistons again with the hand drill

I've got 2 different pistons the Black Blast Tech ones (which are one solid piece) & some grey revel ones,

not decided which I'll use yet but may well go with the Blast Tech as they just feel a little more solid & are pretty close,

very fiddly getting the nuts & washers on inside the magwell

also decided I needed a longer threaded rod for the Scope mount, so I cut down a longer screw with my dremel (broke 2 more blades :lol) but the longer rod works a little better

guess I need to think about painting/bluing parts now

still not sure if I need to push the barrel a little further through the flash hider, think maybe a couple more mm's


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Re: Han Solo ESB DL44 Blaster (my first attempt at a metal blaster build)

One thing about the V8 pistons...
Most of us backfill them with bondo or miliput to make them more rigid. Without that they tend to deform when they are screwed to the mag well.

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