Free Pacific Rim Jaeger Pilot Suit?


Well-Known Member
Hello! I haven't posted a lot here, but the quality of the work being done is fabulous!

I noticed a lot of interest in the pilot suits from Pac Rim. I really loved the movie and the suits have been on my mind a lot recently... so I would like to propose a cooperative venture?

If you have interest in assembling one of these outfits, in exchange for your help with R&D, 3D modeling, creating CAD files, 3D printing, etc. I can offer you a finished version of the part you help with, and additional finished parts to help you on your way to a complete outfit. What do I bring to the table? I can fabricate the parts from professional screen-worthy materials. Also, I can source the original undersuit fabric. I have an inside track on this stuff, but I have to be careful not to disclose the information since I've signed confidentiality agreements. I can make the molds (which is an expensive proposition!)

Any interest? If you want to "join the team" and you like the prospect of assembling a head-to-toe suit that would cost you thousands to create on your own, let's discuss! Ideas? Suggestions? What do you think? Do you like the idea?

I would love too. However, I am only a beginner and still have to gain all of the resources for prop/costume making. I am only in highschool so it is hard to get the necessary tools and supplies to make props. I do love the movie and the Jaeger armor.

Puff, at least you are with us in spirit! You never know - if this project does gain some momentum, you may well see an area where you can contribute with whatever you have available to you. A lot of work actually has to happen before the tools are busted out and the materials purchased.

Did you know that Kermit the Frog was created out of an old coat and a ping pong ball? Sometimes you can do a lot with a little!

I would love to help but I can't bring anything to the table other than doing whatever is asked. Or maybe fund the project.
Thanks for the offer! What suit are you interested in?

I appreciate the offer for funding, but let's keep this on a barter/trade basis. Let's see how things shape up and we'll see how you can help. Thanks!
Hi is love to help anyway I can I have a 3d printer and Iv dabbled in 3d design a bit the last few months nothing to complex but I'm learning all the time iv also done quite a bit pepakura and bondo work.
Awesome!!!! We're gonna make this happen!

It's not "official" yet, but a guy who's very good at 3D modeling might be interested in joining in. He's been working on the suits (the American "black" version). He's not far enough along to reveal anything, but he's working on it.

Okay, I'm definitely going to try to get an in person inspection with an eye toward replicating. I have to go carefully, though. I don't want to burn any bridges. As I said, I've handled the suits before, but not with replicating in mind at the time.

We'll also have to discuss what everyone involved feels is adequate compensation for their contributions. Of course, this it simply a "barter" deal, but I want everyone to feel they're treated fairly.


Anyone else want to put together a Jaeger pilot suit? Seamstresses? Anyone got a helmet design they want to kick in?
I'd like to help with whatever I can - I can do R&D and assembly - not much space or knowledge of anything else - but I am more than willing to assist however I'm able!
Awesome! Well, maybe we should start collecting research material. How should we collect photos? So much has already been posted, so there's no need to duplicate it here. Maybe a Flicker account we can all upload to? Ideas?
I may be able to help at least with creating a pattern for the under suit? I'm in fashion design.

I'd love to see work being done on both the male AND female suits.
OK, lets see if this works - I made a Photobucket account for this project and uploaded 59 photos for reference - I'm sure some of them are in other posts, and most of them are very high definition. Here's the link:

Pac Rim Photos by ToddsCostumes | Photobucket

I'm not sure how other people can upload to it, but we'll figure it out. So, so far we've got:


Let's scour the photo hosting sites for more pics.
I'd love to make a the Cherno Alpha female pilot costume and can certainly help out with the undersuit stuff if any assistance is still needed.
Another 3D printer here to lighten the load. Got an Ultimaker 2 with a build envelope of 23cm x 22.5cm x 20.5cm

I am UK based though if that causes a problem?
Excellent! Anymore research material? I'm working on the screen printing for the undersuit fabric. I think the main thing we need is someone to do the 3D model. Somewhere I saw photos of the actors with some of the armor removed...

I wonder if the armor could be vacuum formed? Could use a reverse mold...
Kinda an old progress vid but slowly working on a model. Making the female version after this as my friend and I are planning for this to be done by April.


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Awesome helmet!!! What is your process for these? Do you start from clay, 3D print, or what? Excellent work and the rest of your props are awesome, too! Is this helmet the same as the black version? I'll have to go back and look at my photos... Are you interested in a complete suit?

wuwu - your model is looking good. What software are you using? I'm trying to learn Blender, but its not easy... April is pretty ambitious!
wuwu - your model is looking good. What software are you using? I'm trying to learn Blender, but its not easy... April is pretty ambitious!

I'm using Maya, trained and all. Also it's a part of my job ;)

Currently did a price quote on a few pieces (shoulder and helmet) for 3d printing at shapeway. Super pricey so I'm looking elsewhere :\
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