Updated Pics of Raw EMP Print: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build


Active Member
Ok well at one point everyone was trying to do this, but haven't seen much of it recently. I started "CADing" this and once I get it to where I feel it is pretty good, I will print it out. I attached a pic, although its not the best quality. I will add a few more when I get a chance. Id like some feed back to where I can improve. This is what I have so far, will post updates as I go. emp_rifle.png

UPDATE Started to work on the stick bomb gun as well. I am waiting for new ABS for my printer, so while I wait, i designed the sticky bomb gun. All pieces for the EMP are ready to print. The EMP gun is scaled to almost 24 inches, if someone has a more accurate length please let me know

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Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

Hey there bane2585,

I would love to see what you come up with.

If you are interested in sharing your files, I would be willing to discuss it further ;-), pm me if interested.
I really liked this prop from TDKR.

Looking really good !!!
Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

I would need a screen shot too even remember it. but it's a weapon so naturally I'm curious..looks cool so far
Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

Batman used it to immobilize one of the henchmen's bikes, when Bane was escaping the Wall Street robbery.
Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

Here are some updated pics and referrence pics.
Batman 3 Emp.jpg
emp 2.PNG
emp 3.PNG
emp 4.PNG
emp full.PNG
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Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

Ahh. now I remember. getting old. brain going too... That's going to be cool. keep up the great work. and keep us updated.
Re: TDKR EMP Rifle 3D Print Build

Great to see another attempt to start this one - eager to see it gets completed. Will be watching this closely.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

Update on first post, started working on Sticky Bomb gun as well. The EMP rifle is ready to print, just waiting on new ABS. Length of the EMP is 24" if anyone has better info, please let me know before I waste 30 hours printing this beast.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

On the EMP gun is it hollow for electronics? It looks brilliant by the way!! I look forward to seeing the sticky bomb gun as well!!
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

Great job, I love these 2 props.

Can't wait to see them printed up.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

This looks promising. My only comment is that I think the "barrel" is a little thin in proportion to its height if you compare it to your reference pics. It doesn't quite appear that you could fit two columns of charges in that barrel.

I always enjoy 3D print builds, so good luck with the print.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

Thanks everyone. I have some updated pics of the printed stock and receiver. the barrel has been reconfigured, but in print now.


sorry for the crappy quality pics, but late night printing excitement got the better of me and i couldnt wait to get my camera, but better pics to come once i clean everything up.

This looks promising. My only comment is that I think the "barrel" is a little thin in proportion to its height if you compare it to your reference pics. It doesn't quite appear that you could fit two columns of charges in that barrel.

I always enjoy 3D print builds, so good luck with the print.

I agree ultron, the barrel is a bit thin, I reconfigured it to a little over 2 inches thick. I was trying to keep in ratio with the grip which is standard scaled from an M14.

More pics to come.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

Awesome! wish wish wish I could do that stuff...
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

On the EMP gun is it hollow for electronics? It looks brilliant by the way!! I look forward to seeing the sticky bomb gun as well!!

It is hallow for electronics. The whole barrel was first designed hallow, but I redesigned a 2 inch deep cavity in the front for LEDs so the barrel is stronger. Once I have a strong shell we can talk about wiring this bad boy up.
Re: Updated: TDKR EMP Rifle and Sticky Bomb Gun 3D Print Build

Updated pics of the barrel and stock. Currently cleaning, patching, and getting ready to prime.



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