Custom Cyberman T-Shirt


Active Member
A few years ago for a Doctor who convention I fancied having something unique to wear.
So I bought some plain t-shirts and had a pattern embroidered onto them.
Luckily my wife's aunt does a lot of sewing and clothes making so has a computer controlled embroidery machine, she kindly made me a few copies.

The hardest part was getting the patterns for front and back suitable for the machine.
The finished result was pretty good, they look better than the pictures might lead you to think.
And being embroidered really stood out, I got quite a few comments.

Wore them again to this years Doctor Who convention in Cardiff, it was quite amusing standing in queues and realising people were reading the t-shirt and trying to explain it to relatives who knew less about Doctor Who!!

If there is another Doctor Who convention next year i might have to consider a new or updated design.

Anyway, not really a prop but thought I'd share them with the grow.
I vaguely remember a t-shirt with a similar design being sold at the dr who exhibition at MOMI in London....this is going back to about 1990 :s
I vaguely remember a t-shirt with a similar design being sold at the dr who exhibition at MOMI in London....this is going back to about 1990 :s

I can imagine the MOMI museum might have had Doctor Who t-shirts as they did have a Doctor Who exhibit.
But did it have the tour t-shirt style design on the back?

These were plain t-shirts from NEXT, if you look closely at the first picture you can see the NEXT label.
I had a couple of short sleeve and long sleeve made, and a mix of black and white.
I did send one of the finished t-shirts to a member of a Doctor Who forum as they provided an image I used as a starting point for my cyberman design.
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