Men in Black Large Guns

Hey guys,

I acquired these years ago from a former board member. At one point, I sent the tri-barrel to Shawn M. but he never had the spare time to work on it. So he sent it back.

I would donor these to a talented guy who has to retool them and make copies. I anybody interested, pm me.

Be aware that there are parts missing and the seems are off at some places. The material of the guns is fiberglass and they are copies directly of the real deal.



It doesn't look like there's that many pieces missing from those, except maybe the stock. Of course we can't really see the other side, which has a lot of other little bits and pieces. I often wondered what that bubble was made from on the side with the alien in it.

Strange how the ICONS prototype Tri-Barrel was all chromed, missing the stock, and has a different color scheme then the originals.

Looks better colored... :love
It doesn't look like there's that many pieces missing from those, except maybe the stock. Of course we can't really see the other side, which has a lot of other little bits and pieces. I often wondered what that bubble was made from on the side with the alien in it.

Strange how the ICONS prototype Tri-Barrel was all chromed, missing the stock, and has a different color scheme then the originals.

Looks better colored... :love

Actually, the stock was done by Shawn already. I'll dig them out of storage and take new pictures.

Some pics...

Here's a cool pic of all the MIB Weapons (and gadgets). What kind of paint did everyone use on their J2's from Rick? Speaking of which does anyone have any pics of theirs? I wasn't able to find any in any old threads...



I remember seeing the J2 below on ebay a while back. Its pretty nice. I wonder why they would chrome it when the original was polished aluminum... Maybe they didn't have that info on hand at the time. Still one sweet gun never the less!
Yeah, hopefully Thomas will let us mold the guns. I offered to mold them (at my expense) and make some castings. He's going to let me know soon here I think, so keep your fingers crossed! :thumbsup

I had a Noisy Cricket (ICONS), and a Master Replicas Neuralizer, but sold them a little while back like an idiot.... Still kicking myself over that. I did hang onto my J2 though, so at least the other things are easier to come by, but for a price. I'm kind of anxious to get the J2 kit Rick's been holding for me soon here too. Men in Black is what got me started in prop collecting, so if we can get some copies of these guns circulating out there, it'll be like a dream come true.

I meant to take some pictures of my J2 tonight, but forgot since I was taking pics of my Saw Puppet. Probably tomorrow though.
For your consideration, I might like to try my hand at these.
I can't wait to see pics of what you have. - PM Sent.
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J2 Standard Issue Pictures

Hello everyone! I decided in the spirit of MIB to post a bunch of pics of my J2. Hope you all enjoy them! At one point wanted to add electronics, but as I started to try to pull it apart I noticed that the former builder had glued inside the seams after screwing in the screws. Oh well, still a great gun and one of my favorite pieces in my collection!

Anyway, onto the pics!










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