Men in Black Large Guns


Sr Member
I remember that Rick posted something about the bigger guns from the first Men in Black a while back when he did the run of J2 kits. But I couldn't find the original post for it.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any castings of the Pulsar Blaser (Tommy Lee Jones' big gun) the Arquallian Arm Cannon (or Tri-Barrel) , or the Series 4D Atomizer.

Here's a pic of the Atomizer and the Tri-Barrel. The first two are property of Ricks props, I'm only posting as there aren't any pics out there aside from screen caps.

I bought a stunt casting of the Tri-Barrel a few years back, but unfortunately lacked the expertise to salvage it. The barrel had become warped and lots of parts were missing. I REGRET selling it majorly now as any thing related to these guns are very rare. At the time I bought the Tri-Barrel the Pulsar Blaster was also listed on ebay and sold for a little more from what I remember. The Deatomizer I haven't seen anything on, ever.

Anyone have any info on any of these guns they'd care to chime in? I think I also remember someone saying they were made of polished aluminum.



Yeah, it sucks because I was going to cast the tri-barrel, but I wouldn't have even known where to start... So many things were missing, not to mention the barrel was warped, lol.
So YOU were the guy who outbid me all those years ago!!! WIld memory!
i was at a girlfreind's brothers house, and had a heck of a time explaining to them why it was so important! They sucked . . .:lol
Scratching my head at this moment to remember where it is, but I have a hard foam version of this.

If I can find it, or any pics of it, I'll post 'em...

Now where the hell did I leave that thing?
I would be very happy to get a run of the Men in Black J2 Pistol that Ricksprop did too. Can someone try to get him interested in doing another run!:thumbsup
Since I love all guns from MIB 1 (not a fan of most what shows up in MIB 2) and Agent Ks big gun is my holy grail of blasters (saw one of the originals at Planet Hollywood London back in 1997) I emailed the man himself about two years ago. Here is Rick´s answer:

"The big Tommy gun and the Will three barrel gun are of molds which no longer exist. That is impossible to remanufacture. The cost is also out of the question. Also the process I would not duplicate (spraying metal) too lethal."


Seems like really accurate replicas of the big MIB guns will never be available. Icons went out of business before they produced anything MIB and all MR ever did with the license was the MIB 2 Neuralyzer. Last thing I read about the license was in a thread about the J2 about 3 years ago. Steve mentioned that QMX secured the rights to produce MIB prop replicas and that they were currently working on the J2 and other replicas. Never heard anything about that ever since and never got a reply to my E-Mails sent to QMX and Steve asking about the MIB line.
I ordered one from him when he did that run a while back. I started paying on it but never finished... I wonder if he still's holding it for me...:love

Hey, anything's possible!:thumbsup
Well, I contacted Rick about some MIB stuff. The good news is he said he still has my J2 on hold for me after all this time! Hell yeah! I inquired about some other MIB stuff but he said that he's gonna get back to me when he find's my paperwork.
I'm a fan of Rick since he is the original maker of so many iconic props and really seems to be a nice guy. Since he won't do a run of the bigger MIB guns (I wouldn´t mind if he changed his mind though) maybe we are lucky and he will provide us with some helpful infos. If you look at the guns at least some minor details have to be found parts.

And yes, I´m also in for the vacuum metalized J2 run Rick mentioned 7 months ago ... if it happens. Looks like he has been very busy for the last few months. Good for him ... bad for us :lol If it happens I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
I've wanted a J2 forever and i always either just miss them or dont have the money at the time they are up for sale. I would be very interested in either a vac metalized, cold cast or just a resin kit version.

Does anyone have any real good pics of the big guns, aside from the ones on Rick's site? Material and details seem to be scarce...

I remember on the Tri-Barrel when I had the rubber version, a lot of the smaller parts seemed like cable connectors and things you would see at radio shack.

I wonder if anyone will ever tackle making one from scratch... :love
Ha- I doubt it! LOL.... accurate replicas would cost way more than I could ever invest in the project- they would be incredibly difficult to reproduce.

Hey Honus, how come you never did accurate replicas from the movie? I bet you could have done it in a heartbeat.
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