Bernie Wrightson Frankenstien tribute


Active Member
Hi All,

I was recently asked to get involved in this years Monster charity project here in the UK. If you haven't heard about the project please head over to their Facebook page and give then a like, its a fantastic project that raises a lot of money for the make a wish foundation. Find it Here

So 28 artists where given a Frankenstein's monster bust and we could customise it in any way we wanted. The bust will all be auctioned off from October 31st and ALL proceeds will go to the charity.

Sadly during the time I was thinking about my design the great Bernie Wrightson passed away. Since the busts we where given where Frankenstein's monster and Bernie was famous for his unique Frankenstein design I felt it was the obvious choice to create a tribute piece based on his design. This piece and all the rest will be up for auction from the 31st Oct this year so if you fancy a cheeky bid click the link above and follow our page.

I really hope you like him and thanks for looking.

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