Deathstroke Combat Staff!! 80% done!


Active Member
So i'm working on Deathstroke's combat staff.
I started this project a week ago and now i've almost finished it.
I designed the whole thing on fusion 360 taking references from game pictures.
Than i started looking for the best materials i could use.
I decided to make a wood internal structure with aluminum parts over it. I chase an aircraft aluminum alloy due to its strength and lightness.
For the carbon fiber parts i tried to wrap on the wood some carbon fiber but with no good esthetic results;
so I'm gonna use some di-noc carbon fiber like film which is much cheaper than real carbon fiber and easier to work with.
The aluminum tubes were machined to get a perfectly straight cut.
Some parts were to expensive to machine so i decided to 3d print and cast them with a polyurethane resin.
This is a costume prop but i'm also making a real combat staff made with carbon steel and carbon fiber tubes.
I'm planning to make other staffs and sell them, so you'll see one post on the junkyard soon.
I was wondering how well this staff turned out, and if you were willing to sell them? I am trying to get my boyfriend to come to gencon next year, and he wants to dress up as Deathstroke. So I wanted to get him this staff as a present for him and as incentive to go with me lol

Please email me back at if you would be able to :)
Thank you!
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