Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

I did the 3d modeling for this Deatomizer, the hole missed align was because of the slider inner has a stopper point features. It's done by my mistake to update as the first scale of the whole gun long at 18" from the beginning setup and we changed it to 22" long during completion of the 3d modeling. I made changes to screw holes size on overall gun but just missed to update the slider inner features as well as causing the alignment issue, apologizes to Patrick really :(

No problem man, you got it fixed for me so that's no biggie! Since the grip lost all the detail when it was printed (as you showed me how it looked from your own printer) I would have needed to print another anyway. It seems that any of the parts done in the abs (such as the slide parts) and that back flat piece that fits over the back of the gun were the ones with issues. They just seem like they're a mess and lost most of their detail.

And to the printing itself yeah the resin parts all look great, aside from the smallest ones which I tossed that had some serious defects. They must have just been too thin and small for the printer to handle. I ordered the same pieces from Shapeways and they came out find lol.
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

I've slowly been sanding the body on the gun, it's coming along nicely! I've been working on the right side so far but this pic is the left in case anyone is wondering. Here's an additional picture for anyone watching this thread :)

Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

Just did a little more sanding and filling today. You can really see the difference when you put it next to the other half that I've yet to start.





The trigger area especially needed a lot of work, I've filled it and sanded it at least 3 separate times now and it still needs more. It looked similar to the other half when I started.
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

I've always loved the design of this piece. Great work! Any chance we can convince you to do some castings?
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

You guys are doing a great job. I do miss that gun. It was my favorite too. Hope these help you out in designing it. Lots of talent out here in the RPF. I haven't been active here in quite a bit. Been quite busy still making props.

Thanks Rick, that mean's a lot! Anything interesting you can tell us about this gun?
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

Did more sanding on the right half, almost have it finished! Had to bondo a few of the flat spots that were a mess but those are looking a lot better. I found the company that did the chrome for the guns for the 3rd movie too which is exciting, I've been talking to them about getting this finished once it's molded.



Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

Glad you're persevering with this. Keep in mind that you will need a glass-smooth surface if you want the chrome/metallic to look good. Every single little scratch, bump or imperfection will stand out like crazy once you have a reflective surface there.
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

Thanks guys! Yeah I'm working my way toward the smooth as glass look. There's a lot of little nooks and crannies there that are difficult to get to. The one closest to the trigger area is the only one left that I haven't done much to. The others I've been gradually filling and sanding. I believe the trigger guard was the worst part on the gun when I started but that area looks great now!

I'm trying to figure out what to do about the tubing on the sides. It looks to be reinforced tube but the smallest size available that I've seen is 1/2'' outer diameter. It looks good, but I just feel like the 1/4'' would be better, maybe even something in between. I've tried looking at oven hosing, gardening hose, motorcycle hose, and lots of other stuff but haven't found anything that looks right yet.

The company that did the chrome for the 3rd movie guns said that they were originally all done in chrome but that they were altered by production. They said that they can be sealed with matte clear to give them a polished look as opposed to the mirror like look of chrome.
Re: Men in Black- Series 4 Deatomizer Update 4/21/17

Try McMaster-Carr to get metal tubing. They have it all kinds of different sizes and materials. I order it from them all the time. They sell solid and hollow metal tubes. I hope this helps.
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