Help finding Mass Effect N7 armor templates


New Member
Hey guys,
Recently I've been playing playing Mass Effect and I really want to make some N7 armor.
I've searched around and found a thread on here by a member called Narayas, where he shares some amazing templates, the download links are down however.
I thought about contacting him directly but he hasn't been active since 2014 so...
If anyone still has these saved on their computer or knows where I can download them that would be very much appreciated.
Thanks guys!
I've been searching for them as well, late to the armor building show of course, so the blog domain was down. However, I ended up finding them here:

Post #111 (page 5) included a google drive link to Narayas' templates. If that link doesn't work, there's a couple other links below it- another google drive link (post #119) and a dropbox link, I believe. Now I just have to remember how to get around in photoshop, haha. It's only been a decade or so... DX
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word of advice, scale on the bigger side especially if you're having the pieces printed. I started an n7 armor build about 4 years back based on Narayas templates. I wanted to do it super legit, so I had them all scaled to my body measurements double measured everything, took the plans and had them printed out at kinkos..spent like 100 bucks just to get the plans scaled right on their largest printer, cut out the template for the forearm in foam, it was too stubby to fit around my arm (I am not a large guy either), rage quit and STILL haven't come back to the project XD
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