Sandbagger's Iron-Man builds - Now in STEEL

My good friend James is my expert for coding the sound effects to go along with the lighting and nano-spray. :It's all about tweaking!" Here we play around with the piezo speaker under the hand plate, as well as a brightening LED simulating the large LED ring function. You might also see a small red LED come on briefly at the top of the tone that simulates firing of the nano-plate.

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The first of six electronic parts ordered from China for the custom voice changer have arrived a couple of days apart.

Why they aren't all shipped together is beyond me. I ordered all together from the one company but sent as six separate orders.

I've ordered two of everything because of the time it takes to get here should something go wrong with one of them.


Seeing the rest of the craftsmanship you and your team of excellence have put together thus far, I would have every confidence that you will make it!
Let's suit up!

Finally back in the suit!

It fits!! Looks like that bloody horrible diet worked.....






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Thanks mate.

Big shout out to all the people along the way who helped out. Electronics, tools, money, advice, encouragement and prayers. It all went towards the project to the point where I ceased to be a fabricator and became a project coordinator.
Whaddya know, the lovely lady at Jaycar jumped me as soon as I entered the shop this afternoon to show me something in their latest catalogue.

That's so nice. Then another shop assistant walked past me and said, "G'day Iron Man!" :lol:

Lots of work last night and today. I've been all over town for bits and flat out in the shed every waking hour. Thanks to James for really putting on steam here. Not much time to go now before the deadline.

Below, James's testing board.



Below, wiring looms to bring power up through the suit to the helmet and hands.



Return bungee cord and microswitch bracket.


Found a good spot for the Piezo.



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Wow, I remember watching this thread since the very beginning and I must say, sandbagger you are really doing Iron Man, Stan "The Man" Lee, Marvel and of course all of us here at the RPF proud! You made this tremendous armor that looks amazing beyond belief, and most times I come back here to look at progress I just can't believe my eyes. You my good sir have such raw talent and I'm glad you put that talent into this because honestly this is the best Iron Man suit I have seen. Congrats man, you deserve it ;)

And now I will sit back and watch progress take its course one update at a time :popcorn :)
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