Manhunter Mask / Baton - Mark Shaw


New Member
Getting started on my first project!

I've always been an avid (and sometimes rabid) comic collector. I tend to love more obscure charcters that wind up in the dollar bin before you know it, and they never get the cool merch. The Manhunter character from the 80's is an all-time favorite of mine, and while DC has given some love to the androids, they've left Shaw to languish in obscurity.

I'm a big guy (6'5", 275lbs) so I've never been able to find an off the shelf costume item or mask that will fit my frame and head. I convinced a friend to help me with a head cast, and so I'm giving this a shot.

WiP - Plaster bust, sunglass lenses, and sculpy to start. Blocking out rough volumes. Using the original as reference, not going for an exact copy. Going for a more stylized Bicentennial Man type of face, over a structured and mechanical frame/understructure. Sculpy may not be the best medium to start in, but it's what I have availalbe. Intent is to mold and then cast in transparent blue epoxy resin w/ various silver overpaintings for backlighting effects.

I'm a novice here, so any help, suggestions, critiques are welcome.


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Progress Shots. The original character design by Doug Rice was heavily influenced by anime and was very striking, however I want a more modern look. I've been free-forming the sculpt so far, blocking in the volumes and playing with the shapes, but I need to change tactic. It's been fun so far, but I keep going over and reshaping areas that don't really need it. So, backtracking a bit and I'll refine the concept and do some comparative sketches first so I can forge ahead once I finalize my design.
A little progress and a paint over of the Bicentenial Man image for inspiration. Sculpy is being challenging. It's great when it's malleable, but when it cools off on the bust for a few days, it gets crumbly when you start to work it again.
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