Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 7/25/17

Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/22/17

Frazetta Death Dealer Helmet - My shop is a mess but I'm getting this helmet painted up!

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Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/24/17

Oh man, anyone who can use one of those Rustoleum "trigger" cans without getting it all over the can, their work surface, themselves, and the cat has my vote!

Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/24/17

That is absolutely amazing. I've always wanted to make that costume. If you ever sell any raw cast copies, please let me know.
Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/27/17

I almost bought an iwata, do you like it?

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Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/27/17

Frazetta Death Dealer Helmet - The paint job is complete!! Highlights were achieved using Liquitex heavy body acrylics and Rubb N Buff. Because of Frank's influence on me as an artist this is one of the most meaningful creations I have built to date. I can't wait to bring the rest of this character to life.

The axe is next!!!

Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/28/17

THAT is a work of art that's on par with Frazetta himself. The helmet alone would make for a great display piece.
Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/28/17

Frazetta Death Dealer Axe - When I started to visually break down the axe I noticed how difficult the handle was going to be because of the slight curve and tapered thickness. To get the correct curve I cut the handle out of a piece of oak 2x4 with a band saw. Then spent quite a bit of time sanding down the profile on my belt and osculating sander to make it round. Notice there is a taper from the top to the bottom of the handle as depicted in Franks first DD painting.
After the axe handle was near completion I drew out the head and cap on some scrap paper to get the scale correct. Then transferred those to Bristol board these will be my master templates.




Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 2/28/17

Looking very good...I would've preferred less dark wash (but that's just me;))...Eager to see that axe!!
Re: Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer SKS Props - Updated 3/9/17

Frazetta Death Dealer Axe - I finally got to open a mini lathe that I had purchased over a year ago! It was a little intimidating at first but after a few test pieces I decided to jump in and sculpt out the bottom cap. The cap was carved out of scrap 4x4 that I had lying around.






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