Darth Vader ROTJ Build - Studio 49

Event #18

Pink Stumps Day 2017

Brisbane - Stafford Heights


The Redbacks played their full game of 20/20 cricket today (through the nation wide Pink Stumps Day) raising money for the Glenn McGrath foundation who help place Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia and it was a was a great success! Trooping with great mates, having a great time and raising money for Charity, what's not to love! And of course since Pink is teh colour of choice for racing awareness for Breast cancer, players were encouraged to deck their armour out in as much pink as they could throw at it!

There were plenty of boundaries hit and yes it was hot (Probably the single hottest troop I've had so far) but it was well worth it

Already looking forward to next year!


(One of my favourite photos of the day, really dig the lighting)


And yes the guys played in full armour, and yes they were actually able to smash some amazing boundaries! Not bad for troopers famed for lack of visibility and horrible aim



And yes the obligatory streaker invaded the pitch, whom Vader swiftly dealt with


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Also for a bit of fun I threw together this quick and dirty video from any of the footage I could scrounge up (Most were Facebook Live-streams)
Only spent 15 or so minutes in some down time throwing it together but I figured it'd be a fun thing to post up



  • wink.gif
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So I just found out there was a photographer running around at Pink Stumps Dat this past weekend and as luck would have it it I somehow ended up in a few photos and figured I'd post them up since they're really quite nice and of a hight quality :)

(And before someone says it I know padding would have helped for pics like this but this was a troop in the middle of an Aussie Summer so it was hot enough as it were. That and the public don't notice or care so if it means I'm not going to drown in sweat then it's a compromise I have to make in weather like this)

Anyway on with the pictures

(Credit to the following photos goes to Scuba Squirrel: https://www.facebook.com/ScubaSquirrelPhotography/?fref=ts)



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I think cricket must be the weirdest sport ever, but then I remember American football :p

Haha thanks mate, I do love my cricket! :p
But damn it was hot, easily the hottest troop I've done with it being the middle of an Australian Summer and the middle of the day, but at least I know I can do it now!
This looks really great, some shots are like they're right from the movie, well not the background but the costume :)

ROTJ Vaders seem to be super-glossy and polished, but has it been ever covered why he suddenly turns satin/matte after the emperor arrives?
Haha thanks mate, I do love my cricket! :p
But damn it was hot, easily the hottest troop I've done with it being the middle of an Australian Summer and the middle of the day, but at least I know I can do it now!

I basically hate ALL sports equally :lol

Feel free to share the heat with the folks in the north ;) we have had 0-5°C for quite a while now, and today we got about 4-6cm of snow, that lasted just a few hours, it's like 97%gone now.
Event #19

Starlight Day 2017

Brisbane CBD - King George Square


Was lucky enough to be able to troop with Starlight yesterday and help in raising money for Starlight Day. It's always a pleasure to be able to work with such and amazing Charity and do so with an amazing group of folks!

And it was my Troop-iversary (I thank that's what our Garrison says), it was exactly one year ago to the day that I did my first troop as Vader at the 2016 Starlight Day and what a ride it's been!

The change room wasn't half bad either since we scored Brisbane City Hall! There was a formal function on that morning and we just strolled in with our armour with everyone else in their suits and fancy dress. Also the Head Chef at City Hall found out we were in the building and took us on a really cool trip behind the scenes of the hall down two floor to meet the chefs since they were all Star Wars mad and dead set on getting some pictures! Not every day you get to do something like that either :)










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I've never had any decent video of me while I'm in my Vader, but as it turns out one of our wranglers filmed us exiting Brisbane City hall in the CBD at the troop earlier this month
It's nothing especially spectacular but it's the first piece of video I have that isn't in potato quality or filmed in portrait so I'll take what I can get haha!

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Event #20

Children's Hospital December November

Brisbane CBD - South Bank


Another successful Redback Children's Hospital visit for the books today with some genuinely awesome troopers!
Was a great and worthwhile troop as usual and better yet we were able to spread some Redback cheer through the wards to those who need it most :)

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Event #21

Geebung Special School Fete



Geebung Special School is is one of only two special schools in the state that cater specifically for primary aged students. They have an Early Childhood Development Program for students aged from birth to 12 years require significant educational support arising from intellectual and other disabilities. And just last week they hosted their first ever school fete which we were very lucky to be able to volunteer our time to help with!

The fete was an end of term celebration that both the kids and their parents were able to come along to and enjoy the festivities and were lucky enough to help bring some Star Wars fun to it for them. It truely was a special troop being able to help these kids have an awesome day, although there weren't heaps of troopers the kids loved having us there!



All I can think about is how hot it must have been in there. God bless ya man, you have talent and stamina!!

Thanks so much mate! I get to have great fun, with great mates and all etc while for a great cause! What's not to love :D
As for heat... well I've just added padding to my Vader now soooo... :p
Only blessing is it's winter here at the moment haha
Event #22

Caloundra Air Museum

Sunshine Coast


The Redback Garrison was again out in force at the annual Queensland Air Museum’s annual Open Cockpit weekend. This weekend is their biggest fundraising event of the year and a big part of what helps them keep it open.

This was the 6th year in a row the Garrison has attended and the crowds loved it! That and it gave us some excuses to get some awesome photos in costumes with the planes In addition to the collection there was a visit from a Navy Sea Hawk, search and rescue helicopter.

Oh and the museum has an F1-11 in one of their hangers that guests are allowed to have photos in the cockpit... so of course our TIE Pilots braved the hour line to get their own picture of the TIE Pilot inside a real F1-11 Cockpit! If only Vader was more firefly to tight space, I would have loved to have seen Vader in that cockpit too haha

Group photo in front of the Caribou


Vader with the Seahawk Helicopter!
(It would seem the super strong wind, with the cape shifted my armour backwards so the gap there looks bigger than it really is in reality. It was probably the 600m walk down the main road to the search and rescue chopper that did it, ah well! Still love this photo)

Troopers with the F1-11! Never related how huge this beast of a plane was!

Commander Cody commandeering over the camera ;)
Event #23

Children's Hospital December November

Brisbane CBD - South Bank


Another successful Redback Children's Hospital visit for the books today with some genuinely awesome troopers! Was an awesome and worthwhile troop as usual with the troopers being able to spread some Redback cheer through the wards to those who need it most :)

The kids, parents and staff always love having us along and are looking forward to our next visit already and so am I, these truly are special troops that we're lucky enough to be able to do.

Typical Scouts hamming it up for the camera!


Those darn Scouts just aren't reliable are they haha


Inspiration for Death Star III perhaps...


Group pic with Mr Photo Head as usual ;)

Event #24

Robotronica 2017 - Queensland University of Technology

Brisbane CBD - South Bank


Never would I have thought I'd end up wandering around where I go to University in my Vader costume... but that's exactly what happened a couple weeks ago

QUT (the Queensland University of Technology) held their event called Robotronica for the second time and the Redbacks were invited along, so since this is where I go to University I naturally wanted to help out at this troop.

At the event QUT showcases all sorts of future/emerging technology. Robotics for the most part but there was plenty of other cool stuff on show. They even had Battle Bots Championships happening through the day.

It was estimated that around 10,000 people attended throughout the day, during which we were raising money for Multiple Sclerosis Queensland, and through donations, raffle tickets and a donation from the University we were able to raise a staggering $3280.50!!!




Event #25


Chermside - Event Cinemas


Over the weekend we were lucky enough to be able to visit one of the local cinemas to help bring some smiles for the most Recent Kidflix event.

Kidsflix is a charity event for children and young people living with chronic illness, a disability or those living in disadvantaged situations, to have an out of the ordinary day with their family.
It provides a much needed, positive family experience and includes the entire family - parents, siblings, carers and allows them to go see a movie carefree as a family.

So needless to say it was a really nice troop to be a part of.

We didn't get a heap of pictures, mostly due respecting privacy of the families but also because the low light wasn't amazing for pics. But with that said we managed to get some! (and have some fun with some large Thor Ragnarok statues in the foyer haha)




There were some guys there too making for balloon animals, and as it so happens they made a balloon lightsaber for Vader which resulted in some humorous photos.
Made for some nice risk free duelling with some younger ones that has balloon swords since they were pretty keen haha


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