Westworld Man in Black LeMat

Sweet. Thanks guys :thumbsup

Anyone know the difference between the 1860 army and the 1861 navy?
I really don't, they're SO close. I've ~heard~ people say that the grip shape is different (longer on the Army, shorter-but-fatter on the Navy), & that the Army was typically .44, while the Navy was typically .36.

No idea if either of those is absolutely correct though.

EDIT: Army on top, Navy under. Note the .44 gives the cylinder an additional "step" that the .36 doesn't have:


Plus, the trigger-guard section on the Army model is a brighter brass, which looks more similar to the screencaps.
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If you don't mind me asking, what did you use to blacken the LeMat? I recently ordered one but I am not sure what kind of metal it is and whether or not it can be blackened or if that is paint. Thanks, looks awesome so far.
I have several C96 replicas from Denix and they can be blued like a real gun. I can only assume they would make the LeMat from the same material?
Started to make some of the changes to the Denix LeMat. I ordered the spur trigger guard online and installed it where I had to cut off and grind down the old trigger guard, also had to drill and tap holes to receive the new hardware. Ground down the nub that was at the front of the gun that didn't match screen grabs to the show. Unfortunately they only had the spur trigger guard already finished and when grinding and installing i took a little of the finish off. For me the Alcohol inks aren't acting the way I want so I ordered Zinc Black Patina and I'll try that out. Also ground down the loop lanyard and ordered one off of ebay to install. While grinding I have made a lot of mistakes and nicked the metal in many ways, but I have decided to chalk it up to weathering even though the screen grabs online make it appear as though it is a fairly new pristine looking gun.

Looking good. I can't wait for my trigger guard to come in! Can you PM me the ebay link for the loop lanyard. Taylors was all out of stock on those.
The Denix Lemat does not blue as well as the Mauser, unfortunately. I did a lot of work on mine for a Jayne gun and I never got the color to look good. I'm looking forward to your results with the zinc black.
I made the mistake of trying to thread the Lanyard Loop in order to drill and tap a hole on the butt to receive it but it ended up snapping at the thin piece when I applied too much torque. Haven't decided with certainly how I will attach but I am leaning towards Epoxy once I have the gun blacked.


I experimented with some pieces last night as far as getting it black. I found I run into a couple of issues;

1 - While "sanding" with an 80 grit scotch brite wheel I find that I end up re-depositing oils from my skin and other particulate back onto the piece, plus it seems as though it naturally oxidizes fairly quickly looking tarnished the next morning when it had looked bright silver the night prior.

2 - The sanding wheels I have are fairly large making it difficult to get into tight spots. They are also poorly made, disintegrating pretty quickly while I use them.

That being said I was able to get a pretty rich black using a q-tip and the Zinc Black. I don't have pictures right now but I will post more later. I think my best bet is to try and get them as polished as possible while wearing gloves, then let sit in a degreaser, like Acetone, Alcohol or Xylene. Something with a relatively high rate of evaporation so I can dry it quickly and then dip into the zinc black and hit it with a tooth brush in the hard to reach areas. The piece that I was able to get black is pretty dull so any advice on how to get a non greasy shine on it would be hugely helpful, car wax maybe?

Looking good. I can't wait for my trigger guard to come in! Can you PM me the ebay link for the loop lanyard. Taylors was all out of stock on those.
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The Denix Lemat does not blue as well as the Mauser, unfortunately. I did a lot of work on mine for a Jayne gun and I never got the color to look good. I'm looking forward to your results with the zinc black.

So I just decided to go all in on the zinc black last night and just knock it out. I purchased two cheap glass baking dishes, one for acetone and one for the zinc black. I put all the parts into the dish and then poured the acetone over it all and hit hard to reach areas with a toothbrush, ( side note use a non acrylic handle toothbrush because the one I grabbed must have been because it started to get tacky like it was dissolving ). Anyway I took the pieces out of the acetone and let them dry on a paper towel, only took like 30 seconds since it evaporates so quickly. Then I dunked all the pieces in the zinc black solution, immediately they were darker than a ****** heart, the only downside is every time you touch it to to move it around you remove a bit of the black. In retrospect it probably would have made sense to use wire or monofilament attached to inconspicuous areas to dunk the pieces into the solution. Now the bottle said to remove from solution and gently wipe any excess and let dry overnight. I didn't wipe excess because as I said it sort of removed some of the black. My biggest mistake was to let them dry on a paper towel It ended up getting stuck to the pieces where it rested, however I was able to get most of it off and If anything I will only need to retouch a few areas.

Now the pictures are from this morning, and what you see is it has a very dark brown copper undertone color. There was also some white residue, which I can't tell if it was from using acetone or if there is just some side effect from using the zinc black solution. In any event I rinsed in water and that took off the white residue, and that is what you are seeing in the pictures where certain parts appear to be darker than others. I hope that I can maintain that "wet" look with wax or oil.

Any Ideas would be awesome, I saw some people swear by renaissance wax but again I have never used any wax or oil in this manner.

I have to say that overall that looks pretty good. I have tried to use blueing and the same type of blacking that you did and was never able to get it to look good. What I finally did was to use some Gun Metal colored model spray paint that did a really nice job even though over time some of the high spots have worn a bit but it is pretty easy to touch it up.

Good luck with your LeMat
Here it is assembled, its pretty much a dark muted brown at this point, I'm not in love with it but its not the worst thing in the world. Biggest complaint is that the spur trigger guard is a high gloss gunmetal black, because the vendor only had finished versions in stock, while the rest of the gun is as I said not the prettiest brown color. I may make a round pallet wood Westworld logo wall hanger for it eventually but I think I might shelve this for a bit.

Don't get discouraged josh. I like your work on this. and you can always try another finish down the road.:thumbsup

Anyone think this Is a workable breakdown lever thingy going on?800px-Westworld_lemat_04.jpg and one other question . Is the OPs ordering site reputable?
and one other question . Is the OPs ordering site reputable?

I ordered a LeMat from them on Wednesday and it still hasn't shipped yet. On their shipping page, it says 1-3 business days processing though, so it better go out Monday.
I ordered a LeMat from them on Wednesday and it still hasn't shipped yet. On their shipping page, it says 1-3 business days processing though, so it better go out Monday.

Hope It ships also my friend. please keep us updated on that. been ripped twice back In the day from somewhat similar places...