Rogue One Rebel Soldier Helmet

Ok now I really have to think about the back, done most of everything else. On the poster Im certain its thicker on front piece. On the trailers its very hard to tell, it looks like it goes all around same thickness.

On the wip pics I need to put the holes above the lower ones 4 small ones(red Arrows). Poster pic you can see the hole(red arrow) the larger front (blue arrow). I have the small double lines bang on going up the helmet.
Rebel Helmet M1Mk2 recovered1.png
Pretty happy with this angle
Rebel Helmet M1Mk2 Progress1.png
And this
Rebel Helmet M1Mk2 recovered3.png


  • cardhelmet.jpg
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Sent the Files to @Elr02 for printing and then he can send to @Mr Mould Maker to start his prepping.
Front is whats been sent. I need to modify my roller for my printer I brought a 3kg spool of filament and it dosent fit. So will adjust that tonight after work and get printing ( and continue the back). I left the back for reference, You might also notice I changed the angle a tiny amount so that the grooves going up the helmet are a nice curve rather than kicking out at the bottom.
Rebel Helmet M1Mk2 armor1.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 front shield 0.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 front shield 1.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 front shield 2.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 front shield 3.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 front shield 4.pngRebel Helmet M1Mk2 Progress1.png
Pull out anything thats 11mm thcik and have a look at the thickness. Thats the thickness of the front armor.
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I will make the back detail tonight maybe 3-4mm from the main armor, you can see here it is nothing huge and seems to be the same material.
rogue one helmetonlyarrow.jpg
I got the models today, will print next week possibly? Need more filament especially for this monster of a print.

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The Lego RO AT-ST has the helmeted trooper minifig. Their website says it's out now. Maybe someone can get ahold of one and see if there is additional detail on the back of the helmet?

I pulled this from an unboxing video.

Reminds me of the detail on the back of the Endor donut.

Or maybe Jyn's foul weather cap.
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hmmm looks like there's more detail back there then what we thought

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Reelo Fantastic! great poster you can realy get in there and see the details.

Printed the first piece, I'm really impressed with how well ReMake captured the helmet. The piece will need a small amount of modification. Changing the location of the bottom crescent shape holes down a bit and adjusting the angle of the grooves going up the helmet so they match the fabric closer. . . .

*The helmet is a complete ring* so this is not correct any more. I think thats very in line with the rebel helmets on Endor. A few changes tonight and I think we will be ready to start the printing the whole thing. Im Very pleased with the flashlight, thats Bang on.

Mr Mould Maker will be putting an interest thread up Friday and I plan to have all the design work done and have a few pieces to show for reference. With the time we have we think its important to focus on the armor rather than casting the other stuff. I will load the torch and boxes up to shapeways tonight/tomorrow for who ever is interested.
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canister might wanna do a google image search to see if the poster is available in an even better resolution.

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So NEW! it pays to spread your posts over other site too, Thank you big fury oaf (rebel Legion)
Might be a little longer there is a bit more going on at the back than I thought.
How many back pieces do you guys count 10-12 across the back?

Going down to the toy shop!
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Earthquake closed the toy shop so drove to next suburb only comes with the at st walker 75153 maybe more.just pre used my bday money for next feb lol. There are 12 segments on the lego one, could be more on the real one? The other basic details are correct. There are afew other details I will have to check for from trailer.
Thanks for the pics xblackbird!
Odiwan its fusion 360 for design ReMake to capture photos.
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Shesh I have to do some work, but can't stop thinking about it. I think the back pannels are 12 on the helmet too because the back egde on the poster is quite wide. Of corse I could change my mind as soon as a better pic comes along.
I have a plan just sounding it out.
I will make the helmet with a separate back piece that fits together with the main ring of armor. Then Make the back piece with 12 segments and if it's different we only need to swap one piece out down the track rather than re cast an entire helmet. Thoughts?

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