GhostMinion's Fallout 3d Models and Props

Exciting news about coming DLC content at last night's E3 show. Another thing that I found exciting was the fan made content part of the show, in which you get to see a Ripper prop that I modeled and printed for @FrostGiant to finish and weather for his web series The Southeastern Commonwealth. They had a nice little clip of the pilot episode, Will To Power.

Screenshot (261).png
Fusion Core casting is moving along. I also managed to start painting one up. Keep in mind this is just base coloring, plenty of weathering still to go. The bottom part is cold casted in aluminum powder, so I'll be able to scrape through the yellow paint and have it look how it does in game, which is pretty scratched up.


Making a push right now to finish up my mini nuke run, so that I can spend some time working on my kits that I have waiting. Once I do, I should have some nice pics soon. :thumbsup
Alright, just about completely done my first fusion core! She still needs some black washing, a bit of grime and such. But overall, I'm pretty pleased with how it looks. I have another one just about done, and two others I'm still working on. I need to touch up the black fastener thingys on the sides, too. And let me tell you, the screws for these are tiny. Quite a pain in the butt to paint and handle such small screws. But worth it in the end, I think.




Now just make about 20 more if you use the Gatling laser and then accidentally blow up a few innocent NPCs because you accidentally ejected your core instead of bashing. :lol Looks good!
Hey got my caps from Bottlemark. Did you figure out a good way to make the stars on the Sunset Sarsparilla caps? It looks like some people are just using star stickers, but I'm thinking of maybe using a stencil and airbrushing them. I was only going to make a few star ones though. That is unless you found an easier way that looks good.
Hey got my caps from Bottlemark. Did you figure out a good way to make the stars on the Sunset Sarsparilla caps? It looks like some people are just using star stickers, but I'm thinking of maybe using a stencil and airbrushing them. I was only going to make a few star ones though. That is unless you found an easier way that looks good.

Sorry for the late reply, just got home from vacation.

Honestly, I hadn't given it a lot of thought. I myself was thinking of using stickers, simply because it would be cheap and easy. But I think airbrushing them would look better. Would be pretty easy to stencil up and cut a star out of blue tape, then just airbrush it. Would probably look cool to put a couple scratches on it too.
I'm assuming that when real manufacturers like Coke do it they use a printer of some kind, so that's probably the route I will go. I gave 10 Sunset Sarsparilla caps to my nephew and said I was going to do the stars and he said "Well I'll need 40 more then." completely serious. I said "I'm not painting 50 of them! I meant like a couple!" :lol
Finished mini Nuke. Working on painting the second one right now. I also plan to do a Nuka Nuke as well. Pretty happy with how it turned out.


Also nearly finished my Nuka Blaster from @torsoboy, just need to add the decals and it's good to go. I was planning originally to weather it, but instead I think I'll keep it shiny. It just appeals to me.


And, a work in progress Nuka Cola rocket bottle. More to come on this soon.............

No way! Looks awesome xD could you model the cappy sunglasses? i actually really want them x)

Thanks Emma!

And I as well would like some Cappy glasses. At the moment, I'm still holding out slim hope that Bethesda/Thinkgeek or Loot Crate will make them. Seems like an easy enough piece of merch for them to tackle.

If they don't, I believe I'll model the frames, but I have no idea how to go about having the lenses made.

Do you have a gallery up somewhere so we can see all your awesome stuff together? Also, amazing job on the detailing on the Mini-Nuke - if you ever feel like posting a tutorial, I'd love to hear how you got the rust to look so natural.

Keep up the great work!
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Do you have a gallery up somewhere so we can see all your awesome stuff together? Also, amazing job on the detailing on the Mini-Nuke - if you ever feel like posting a tutorial, I'd love to hear how you got the rust to look so natural.

Keep up the great work!

Hey thanks!

I try to keep most of my 3d works in my Albums. I do need to update it some, though. You can find it by viewing my profile. I have been planning on making more of a complete portfolio album as well, need to get on that. I've also begun posting pics of my finished props in the Gallery section. Just go to the Video Games section and scroll down to Fallout.

Also, if you scroll back to page 6, you can find some of the information I posted about the stuff I'm using for the rust. In post #134 you can see how I applied it to my Ballistic Fist prop. There's more useful information on post #138. It's basically a paint that has ground up iron in it. You then apply a solution that causes it to rust. Check it out. :thumbsup
Hey everybody, figured I'd share the latest stuff going on.

Been doing a lot of printing. Most of the time I spend working/sanding lately has been on the T-51 Power Armor helmet that I'm working on. I haven't put much time into the new stuff I've printed. I've got jet and x-cell inhaler prototypes ready for mold making, but I just haven't taken the time yet to start making said molds. Working on a limited time frame as far as winter getting here soon, so I've been putting as much time into the helmet as I can. That said, I do have a good few prototypes ready for casting, and so I want to try and get that stuff done soon.

One of the things I've managed to finish printing was the rest of the 10mm pistol parts that I wanted. I always liked the look of the heavy bbl set up, so it was a set up that I had to have. The parts are from lilykill's model. The entire base gun is unchanged. The compensator I had to make slight changes to, and the heavy bbl needed a bit more modification. All said and done, I think the parts and prints came out fantastic. Looking forward to making myself two or three of these kits, changing each one up slightly for variety. Here's some pics of the kit, pictured next to one of my real handguns for size reference.



Aside from all that, I should be casting up some nuka bottles soon. I'm also working on making a Nuka Nuke from Nuka World, with lighting to make the blue band glow. I'll have more progress soon, stay tuned!
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