Star Trek Voyager Dermal Regenerator prop


Master Member
This is a very cool prop I have wanted ever since I started watching Voyager.

This prop was actually named on screen as the Dermal Regenerator in the episode "One" in season 4.

Doctor: "Seven, go to the bridge, use the dermal regenerator to treat the burns"

I managed to get measurements from the owner of the original prop sold at IAW and after making a version from laser cut styrene parts I decided a couple of years ago to model it up in Solidworks and have the parts 3D printed instead, as it is easier to get a perfectly symmetrical shape with equal rounding on the corners from a 3D model.

After some of the usual post-print clean up, I think it turned out really nice and smooth.
I just need to put some electronics inside and paint the prop and it is done.

I've been off sick from work for a couple of days and the weather was nice so I managed to get a bit of painting done on the Dermal Regenerator.
I'll be looking to sort out the electronics this weekend.

The base has had a few coats of aluminium silver I just need to paint the top conical part the standard Starfleet Silver/Grey.

Voyager Dermal Regenerator by JamieThomas28, on Flickr
It looks awesome! Your solution for the LED reflector I'm sure works...but did you know there are places to get Optics and reflectors for it...and they are relatively cheap too. Check out LED Supply's website. There are also pre-made reflector LED combos called drop-ins (P60 Drop-ins) that are used in flashlights...they seem like they would be of an appropriate size for it too. They can be had in blue as well as white, red, green, UV and IR.
Are they based in the US?
If so it would make a relatively cheap item more expensive by the time I had it posted over to the UK, but I very much appreciate your advice I will bear it in mind for other props.
Are they based in the US?
If so it would make a relatively cheap item more expensive by the time I had it posted over to the UK, but I very much appreciate your advice I will bear it in mind for other props.

Yes, LED Supply is in fact based in the US...however while I mentioned them specifically it was more because I know what they have and thought it would make a good reference site. I'm sure you can do some searches and come up with something on your side of the globe to order from once you know what you're looking for.


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