Happy Days "The Fonz" Pinball Machine


Active Member
I just ordered a " The Fonz ", pinball machine from ebay, I have tried my best to find out everything about it but there is very, very little info let alone any for sale. I know that this is not a Pinball restoration forum but I figured I should ask. I was wondering if anyone had a copy or let alone some simple photos of the pages of the instruction booklet. I was hoping there would be a PDF online but again, there is very little about it. Also if anyone could let me know the functions, lights, sound, flipper controls just the basic components.

I know this is very far fetched, and I know most people dont have one currently, but if you do or if you've had please let me know anything about it. Any info will do

Take Care Everyone !!

Cole s-l1600-1.jpgs-l1600-3.jpgs-l1600-2.jpg
Oh and also, the holy grail for me would be a 360 video and demo, I know that that will not happen but it would be great as the one I am getting does not work yet
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