If the NX-01 looked like this...


Active Member
image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegIf the NX-01 looked like this, would it have helped Star Trek:Enterprise be more accepted than the lukewarm reception it received. The middle picture was the proposed design until they dumped it because it looked too much like Kirk's ship...I can only imagine...
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Yes. I think it was planned for a season 5 or 6 entry if the series had gone that far. Doug was spearheading it if I remember right.
I just picked up the Eaglemoss NX-01 Refit, some good info on Drexler and Zimmerman--That pre TOS design was suppose to be Archer's ship
Wonder if we will see the Refit NX-01 in this new Anthology series coming....makes me wonder...and hope..

Also makes me wonder why a model/s would be made...hmmm
My favorite two things about Star Trek are the ships and the characters... I don't think there was anything wrong with the ship. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I think it was the plot of the show that proved fatal to the series. Season 1 was pretty standard; nothing special but not bad, either. I think what carried the show was the Zindi conflict. That whole sub-series was intense and captivating. I really fell in love with ENTERPRISE during these episodes. But then they had that whole series of "retro-WW2" which I thought was awefull and I got bored with it very quickly. After that, I was just hanging on to see if it could pull me back in again. The pick for Archer may have been better, too. I think a lot of people kept expecting Dean Stockwell to show up. Just my two cents. I saw the new teaser trailer for the new series. I can't wait to see more. I have been hoping for a new series.
Great point Cadeus, it was definitely the writing. I was not thrilled with Archer, Bakula had the look, but the delivery was just either not enough or too over the top. I was discussing with a friend of mine that even non-trek fans enjoyed the structure that was there. To a degree Starfleet is a military group as well as a scientific one. To be able to share both sides of the same coin is tricky, but it can be done. ST TNG, DS9 and VOY have all shown a command structure with policy and procedures implemented or to be referred to. Many of us can identify that with everyday life, at home and at work. We identify with structure. ENT had very little structure and when the captain hailed another ship, it was like Hi, Im Jonathan Archer...blah blah blah, not regimented, not per any protocol, it was like fumbling thru meeting someone you may or may not want to know. That irritated me a lot. But I digress. Im sure we will some very interesting stories coming up with the new series as well as the new film. Im really hoping they revisit the ENT era and cover the EARTH-ROMULAN WAR with an NX-01 refit. I think people will really appreciate it, bc it is part of Star Trek lore and just ripe for storytelling.

I was not a fan of the ship, I thought it looked way too technical, but I did like the fact that if you retro-engineered it, the NX-01 would have needed modifications and upgrades as time goes on. Attatching a ventral neck to connect a secondary hull for supplies, equipment and people, just made sense. Watching it evolve/imagining it evolve was definitely something I was hoping to see.

The uniforms--omg, My wife and a thousands of other non-fans have this constant complaint. Personally, I think the jumpsuit made sense, but at the same time, it confused the Heck out of the un-informed. I would have been happy seeing black cargo pants, boots and a top with corresponding color to speciality or just color the sleeves or shoulder sections. People just fixate on the most obvious things, the uniforms were not all that they could be. Just sayin...

After reading Eaglemoss's little article that is included (8 page booklet) I was surprised Zimmerman and Drexler didn't use the Connie looking ship to begin with. it was different enough but also very similar. Much the same way monohull boats are similar but different in size and function. It even states in the article..."ship has to look similar to Kirk's ship" , but someone walks thru the door and says "Hey, its Kirks ship" and they drop it, that didn't make sense. It would have been different enough.

Conflict, its what drives everything. I didn't care for the Xindi storyline but then, mirroring 9/11, many people could relate. Too bad they didn't run with Section 31/homeland security and set up a Guantanamo Bay kinda place/storyline. Earth is for Humans was a great topic as well. I guess I had hoped they would mirror Expansionism and at what cost as well as the greatness and the deadliness of the Frontier.
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I think the NX-Refit looks good as a refit but it would look ungainly if you were not used to seeing the original configuration first.

There were some very nice, more hardware looking Connie sketches done for the show before they went with the revamped Akira design.
I personally did not have a problem with the NX-01, I can kinda understand where they were coming from, in saying that the refit looked too much like Kirk's 1701. I think where the most fans had their problem with the NX-01 is that it looked too much like the Akira class, to the point where one might think that the design was taken to save costs... flipped upside down and presto... "the fans will never know" type of thing.
What gets me is the fact that if you wanted your ship to look 100 years before the time of Kirk, the design just had to be slightly modified. We still have monohull boats, seacraft can also be multi-hulled, but the basics are still there. The picture up above showing a Pre-TOS Enterprise, to me, would have totally worked. The nacelles are different, the pylons are pretty standard, the secondary hull is more curvy, not streamlined and the main saucer has the bridge and sensor dome as well as a few accoutrements that allow it to look different. It was suppose to be a preceding ship design, similar yet different. Yet when someone said IT LOOKS LIKE KIRK'S ENTERPRISE and they eschew it, but wasn't that what they were going for????
... The uniforms--omg, My wife and a thousands of other non-fans have this constant complaint. Personally, I think the jumpsuit made sense, but at the same time, it confused the Heck out of the un-informed. ...

Reminds me on the comment from my brother when he saw me first time in my Archer uniform. He said I'm looking like a car mechanic. :lol
To my mind they should either have gone with the Daedalus style, or if they wanted different, something like the ringship. I think it's very human-centric that Enterprise seems to tell us that the entirety of starfleet for the next 2 or 3 centuries uses designs derived from Earth's first starship. We should have had Earth using something else, with Vulcan and possibly Andorian ships having elements that we recognised. It would have meant that the Starfleet standard of nacelles, hull and saucer would have been a combined effort echoing the founding members of the federation.
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