CONsole Room June 3-5, 2016 in MN (Doctor Who Convention)


New Member
CONsole Room: Celebration in Silver (Celebrating 50 Years of Cybermen)

It's nearly here! Who's going? :D I'm SUPER pumped for this year's convention. We've pulled in guests from the 2nd Doctor's era (Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Anneke Wills) and a composer (Dominic Glynn), should be fun! I am on the Convention Committee as a designer, so I *might* be a little biased, but it's looking to be an excellent year and I'm trying to pull off a couple of really neat cosplays myself (we'll see how that goes).

I'd love to connect with anyone who is attending! Shout out! :D
The Wife and I go to Gallifrey One every year... and have heard some good about C1. I used to go to ConVergence (great regional) when I was living/working in Madison, would make the trip. What's your overall impression of the Con?
I love it! I'm on the committee that puts it together and I've never met a harder working group of people. Everyone working on this convention is a major Whovian and I think it definitely comes out in the convention.

I wouldn't be able to say how it compares to other Doctor Who conventions/CONvergence, as I've yet to attend either (though this year will be my first year at CONvergence, for sure, and perhaps Chicago TARDIS in the fall), but I've been to a handful of conventions and it's still by far one of my favorites. It's still a little small, this year is just CONsole Room's third year in existence, but there's a lot of fun programming and I find that the guests tend to be fairly relaxed and more sociable in this smaller environment. It's not uncommon for the guests to hang out with the fans in the Con Suite or to stop for a conversation in the hall, which I think is excellent!
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