SURVIVOR -- Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawn

Yeah, I can't see how they are not watching it now as the weeks go on, thinking, "Wow... we were total c***ts".... The two of them are definitely in the mix if they ever do a "Villains v. Villains v. Villains". That I'd love to see.... get Russell back on, and Johnny fair play!


Russell's my favorite player of all time, but I don't think he should play again. The first two seasons he played were the most dominant seasons anyone has ever played. But after that, he had a target on his back the size of the Grand Canyon, and that's what would happen if he ever played again, as well.

As for Fairplay, I would NEVER let the sonofabitch play again, after what he pulled the last time! Quitting, just to be a total *******! I hate that guy, he's a total disgrace. I'm sure Probst hates him, too, for pulling that stunt, and would never allow him on the show again.

I would like to see Russell's brother, Brandon's father, on the show, though. Except, he looks so much like Russell, people would immediately know he's a Hantz! lol

The Wook
The season is going well all right. Tai will have to mess up really bad to throw away that shot at the million. Definitely going to be an interesting last few episodes. I'll root for Cydney!
Now I know how people feel who thought Russel deserved the win. Aubrey was such a better player, even Tai was better, but the jury just did not like Aubrey or respect her game... and they took it personal that Tai was looking out for himself and refusing to be used. Nobody respected him, but he respected himself.

Michele was lucky and played a better social game and she was strategic, but no where NEAR as intentional as Aubrey who lost 2 of her alliance members and still ended up in the final 3.

I hope Aubrey and Cochran do get to meet. The twitter photo of her 'take your daughter to work' outfit was hilarious.
The final episode is always me least favorite, because now I have to watch a half hour of butt-hurt people spew their why should I give you a million bucks rant. Michelle won because she caused the least amount of butt-hurt.

Just once I'd love to see someone in the final two or three refuse to apologize for their behavior and simply state, if you think I played the best, vote for me. If not, don't.
It would also be nice to have the jury vote AT the reunion, giving them a chance to not only reflect for five months but to see the game play out on their own tv.
It was a shame to not see Cydney in the final three. Aubry lost it by writing Cydney's name down. If it had been Cydney, Aubry, and Michelle, I believe Aubry would have walked away with the most votes. That Thai Sia thing was a bit cringeworthy… nevermind the Drew Carey advertising :D

While overall a good season, it won't be a memorable one. These "themed" Survivors are getting mundane…. and the next season.. Millennials vs GenX is scraping the bottom of the barrel… the promo was very cringeworthy.
It was a shame to not see Cydney in the final three. Aubry lost it by writing Cydney's name down. If it had been Cydney, Aubry, and Michelle, I believe Aubry would have walked away with the most votes. That Thai Sia thing was a bit cringeworthy… nevermind the Drew Carey advertising :D

While overall a good season, it won't be a memorable one. These "themed" Survivors are getting mundane…. and the next season.. Millennials vs GenX is scraping the bottom of the barrel… the promo was very cringeworthy.

Totally agree this season was meh, although last season was crackerjack. The only way to watch the finale is on record.
When Michelle won that final challenge and got the right to vote out a jury member, I didn't think it would matter. I figured she wasn't going to get a single vote anyway. I was for sure thinking Tai or Aubrey. But as that final tribal went on, I began to realize she had a shot, and damned if she didn't pull out the win. I really didn't expect that. I was honestly expecting Aubrey to win.

Even if they didn't vote at the reunion it would be interesting to see if any of them would have changed their votes now that they saw the show.

What did you think of the twist of them voting out a jury member? I thought it was interesting, especially given how Michelle was asking for advice about it.
That Thai Sia thing was a bit cringeworthy… nevermind the Drew Carey advertising :D

Ugh, I so agree... it took away time talking to the Survivors. I miss the days when Jeff would let most people at least say something, now he pretty much ignores all but the top few people. But to give so much time to a friend of his who is a fan... just no. Please don't do that again.

When Michelle won that final challenge and got the right to vote out a jury member, I didn't think it would matter. I figured she wasn't going to get a single vote anyway. I was for sure thinking Tai or Aubrey. But as that final tribal went on, I began to realize she had a shot, and damned if she didn't pull out the win. I really didn't expect that. I was honestly expecting Aubrey to win.

Same here... I didn't think Michele had a shot - but dbuck is right - she won because she offended the fewest people...
I also don't like that the finale show runs well into the next hour and then shortchanges us from hearing something from each survivor contestant. I used to hear a fair amount of strategy and/or reflection on their time in the game, but now it's at best an acknowledgement that they showed up for quite a few of them.

As for the twist of voting out a jury member.....I would have to see it a bit more in a game, obviously this time it did not affect the outcome.
I wish Jeff had asked these people who they would vote for now, with six months of reflection to see if the better player would have won.
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