Anovos Stormtrooper.... thoughts?

looking at the assembly I want to trust glue to hold this thing together in parts? wouldn't it just be easier to use the tiniest screws around and paint 'em white to blend in for ultimate stability?

I don't think I'm going to trust CA, as Anovos suggests, but am going to go with the tried and true TK putter-together, E6000. I think almost every fan suit in existence must have used this stuff, so good enough for me!
For everyone assembling their first armor, I recommend E6000. You can put it apart again, when you did something wrong ;-)
that was my second thought...good to know it'll work on this stuff ;o).

Before I even start messing with it though, I need to buy a manaquin that it'll fit with very little effort. Threepio I STILL havn't been able to get to display right after a full year...
Looks like Brits will be joining the party.
Just got confirmation box is on it's way to the UK, eta 4th Feb (or add on a few days whilst customs decide how much to screw me for!).
I've seen a few people mention using magnets in place of clamps for putting these together. Anyone know if there's a good set that works for trooper building? Should it be all magnets or a mix of magnets and 6" clamps? Or what?
looking at the assembly I want to trust glue to hold this thing together in parts? wouldn't it just be easier to use the tiniest screws around and paint 'em white to blend in for ultimate stability?

Definitely don't use the CA glue recommended in the instructions. Really poor choice on their part. E6000 is the way to go. Slower, but better.
I've seen a few people mention using magnets in place of clamps for putting these together. Anyone know if there's a good set that works for trooper building? Should it be all magnets or a mix of magnets and 6" clamps? Or what?

The purpose of using magnets is to use them where you can't fit clamps. Like in the middle of the forearms, biceps, thigh and shin armor. You can clamp the ends, but you need magnets to put pressure on the parts in the center. Use clamps where you can, magnets where you cant. The rare earth neodymium magnets you can get in the fastener aisle of Home Depot are great.

- - - Updated - - -

I got my kit yesterday and started trimming some parts today. Got the chest, half the forearms, shoulder bells and hand guards done today. I'm in no great rush, but it's a good start!
I got my kit yesterday and started trimming some parts today. Got the chest, half the forearms, shoulder bells and hand guards done today. I'm in no great rush, but it's a good start!

How are you finding the trimming going? From some of the videos I've seen, it appears that Anovos has made it freakishly easy to trim these things, with nice, clean valleys to follow.
How are you finding the trimming going? From some of the videos I've seen, it appears that Anovos has made it freakishly easy to trim these things, with nice, clean valleys to follow.
Some of those valleys are easier to see than others, but over all, it was a very straightforward process.

Some are shallower than others, and thicker than others, and depending on lighting and the blade shadow they can be hard to see. But at least there's no guesswork involved.
This actually just looks like how the real ones were put together. You can adjust it if you feel like unscrewing the ears, drilling out the pop rivet (easy) and retrimming/positioning. Use magnets till you get it right.

Some of the warping is actually due to the the pieces and are "authentic". It would be hard to eliminate all.

You can't put the stormtrooper helmets on without twisting it, is this what you mean?

If you don't want to take it apart, you can at least remove the gaps on the temples by tightening the bolt, the washer will grab the plastic faceplate from behind and pull it together more.

Should be easy to tidy it all up, good luck!

Thanks but there isnt any saving this helmet. As stated it seems to have been overly trimmed so the builder compensated by pulling parts together making the opening too small to put on at all. Ive worn many trooper helmets both fan sculpts and originals. I dont care about how the original helmets "looked", this is worse than any original helmet could ever get for filming. These helmets were idealized and not screen accurate. Its going back for a replacement.
I don't understand, are you saying you didn't expect the lopsided helmet and assembly as you received it? It's accurate to the movie original helmets as far as I know. And you put the helmet on sideways and then twist it to the front. The instructions in the PDF even says that and it's been confirmed as pretty normal for TK buckets.

Or are you kidding? I'm confused.

Not kidding at all, its horribly warped, scratched and "pitted" with a dip on top the skull cap. Kerr you dont recall I was one of the few LFL troopers during EP3 for all the promotional and commercial work. Depending on the gig we wore either our modified FX armor or LFL's originals. Although ive not worn any armor for some years now, I do recall how to put the bucket on :lol
Well, as apparently you are the only person so far to have received an unwearable bucket, yeah, send it back. Have to ask though - the LFL suits - weren't those tour suits RotJ style? Kind of a different creature altogether from the ANH ones. And the FX buckets were, as I understand it, over-sized fan-sculpts, so again, maybe not the best helmet to compare against.:unsure
Not kidding at all, its horribly warped, scratched and "pitted" with a dip on top the skull cap. Kerr you dont recall I was one of the few LFL troopers during EP3 for all the promotional and commercial work. Depending on the gig we wore either our modified FX armor or LFL's originals. Although ive not worn any armor for some years now, I do recall how to put the bucket on :lol

I understand about scratched/pitted, but how warped is it? the original are actually very assymetrical which you may confuse by warped, I doubt it was warped during production, yes you have to put it on twist motion like originals.
Mine came today!

At first glance this is an amazing kit for the price.

Guess I got lucky with my helmet, and while the frown/teeth do look off, overall it's a nice looking bucket.

Here it is next to my old AP.

Anovos is on the left, AP on the right.


looking at the assembly I want to trust glue to hold this thing together in parts? wouldn't it just be easier to use the tiniest screws around and paint 'em white to blend in for ultimate stability?

I always use 2 part epoxy glue for my props, that's what I used on my FX armour and that's held up great for years, it goes rock solid when it sets so no fear of parts coming apart. Glue looks better than using screws too as you get a really nice clean look/finish.
Got my big box of ST armor from Anovos this afternoon. Debating whether or not I should open it... :D (Once I get the softgoods, it will be posted in the Junkyard).
Mine came today as scheduled, just before 11:00. Wife was too buried in her Kindle to notice the big box I carried downstairs :lol:thumbsup Told her I was expecting a Toy :D

I did not get the big stormtrooper display sheet in my box, oh well. I am happy with the quality of everything and especially at the $350 price point, should have bought a second.

I do like the helmet and the frown when compared to my other helmets looks right. I think they did a good job of idealizing it but having it still retain the wonkiness. Will have to replace the neck trim as its splitting, repaint the frown and do a little trimming on the eyes. I also have a helmet kit coming so I can play around with that also.

For fun I set up the tripod and took pics of all my helmets so I could get a comparison gif. Unfortunately I have not finished my RS helmet kit to include in this.



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