Kylo Ren Saber hollow hilt for electronics

One photo from Launch bay:


And many photos from Russia: (one of the organizers made photos for me). If you need any more angles, tell me in 2 hours.
Hope this helps to finish model. Enjoy!

It is plastic, probably 3D-printed.
Has there been any news on the updated v5? And is the changes just to the top portion of the saber? with new reference, guabe are going to redo the entire saber ?
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Part II don´t work.But thanks for the great pics.But what a puppet has this in hand?Do you have a pic of the complete display?
Ah it lifesize?And do you know if it comes from productionmolds?
Do you have nore pics from the saber in the displaycase that you posted before?
And the last part:


That's all that I have now.
It is lifesize and I dont know where it exactly came from.

Looks like red cap is made of metal. Body of lightsaber is plastic 100%.

One more pic:
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Sorry guys I was working on another project but i will get back to this one right away, these new pics are gold, I know have a clear idea on how to make this better. Thanks.
Some frome launch bay

Move-Over-Frozen-Disneys-Hollywood-Studios-Has-A-New-Overlay-and-its-Star-Wars-97.jpg Move-Over-Frozen-Disneys-Hollywood-Studios-Has-A-New-Overlay-and-its-Star-Wars-98.jpg Move-Over-Frozen-Disneys-Hollywood-Studios-Has-A-New-Overlay-and-its-Star-Wars-99.jpg

Cant wait to finish the hilt. While waiting, I mastered the technique of painting :lol

Gustavo, maybe you rebuild this part too?
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