George Lucas breaks up wit Star Wars

Just a hypothetical question.........

What are we going to do if this movie sucks?:confused
I don't think it will outright suck. I just think it will be like most of the other projects J.J. has helmed. A lot of hype, a few good moments in the finished product, but ultimately forgettable, and not something I'll want to run out and own. J.J suffers a lot of the same flaws as many point out in Lucas.

Also, there's so much planned, we're bound to get sick of it, or at least lose a lot of the excitement leading up to a Star Wars movie. For instance, Episode VIII will hit theaters 5 months after "Rogue One".
I don't think it will outright suck. I just think it will be like most of the other projects J.J. has helmed. A lot of hype, a few good moments in the finished product, but ultimately forgettable, and not something I'll want to run out and own. J.J suffers a lot of the same flaws as many point out in Lucas.

Pretty cynical viewpoint and personally I don't foresee it being anything like that at all, but we will know in 4 weeks.
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll probably just treat Star Wars as a fiction buffet. I'll pick and choose what I like, and ignore the rest. After about....hmm....I'd say 2008 or so, that's how I began approaching the franchise. I was pissed about all the focus on Clone Wars era stuff (especially, since it seemed to come at the expense of the OT era). Prior to that, while the Prequels were being released, I was more invested in the franchise and consuming more stuff from it, but I gradually just came to realize that the brand that had once stood (for me at least) for a guaranteed good time was now more like a guaranteed mediocre time with the occasional glimpse of brilliance. Based on that realization, I backed off of the franchise considerably (plus, there was less and less out there that caught my eye).

Now I just take what I want from the franchise, and have stopped trying to will it to be what I want it to be, and instead accept it for what it is (and isn't), and enjoy what I can from it.

So, yeah, if this movie sucks...I mean, that's a bummer, but on the other hand...meh. Screw it. There's so much else out there nowadays that I enjoy, I don't need everything to be made for my specific tastes. There's enough already catering to my tastes to keep me entertained.

Pretty much summed up my feeling since the release of the AOTC. While I liked both of the animated Clone Wars series everything else was just like a buffet of take what you like scenario.
Also, there's so much planned, we're bound to get sick of it, or at least lose a lot of the excitement leading up to a Star Wars movie. For instance, Episode VIII will hit theaters 5 months after "Rogue One".

I'm worried about this as well.. I'm super excited for the new movie and the rest of the trilogy, but I'm a bit worried about the way the rest of the brand will be handled. I don't want to be assaulted by Star Wars media until it stops being exciting..
I'm worried about this as well.. I'm super excited for the new movie and the rest of the trilogy, but I'm a bit worried about the way the rest of the brand will be handled. I don't want to be assaulted by Star Wars media until it stops being exciting..

This is probably the thing I worry about most. I knew this would happen but I cringe at the notion that they plan to have one SW movie a year for the foreseeable future. I have great concerns we will be over saturated with SW. In my view, the release of a SW movie should be special and something that doesn't happen all the time. I've fine with this new trilogy but I don't want there to be an Episode XXV though I suspect it'll eventually happen...
The way I see the man is simple...kinda:

He's pretty damn good and a creative ******* but he either has ADD or just indulged in too much recreational drugs,when left to it he leaves huge holes in things that he has to come back and fix,I kinda feel that if he was in charge that's what we'd be getting now-patched up versions of Ep 1~3 and seven would happen when the actors were so old as to need walkers,or dead.

No matter what the man says or protests against you have to face the fact he's a product/money ****,he'll do anything to his creation to make a buck the ewoks are a prime example of this,the prequels he perfected it and almost drove the franchise into the dirt.

If he could be made to just create ideas and let others work it out and make it we'd be fine,but he has a case of big head and he wants to be in total control.

I also think he's like some of the 60's singers-he does what makes a buck and what is expected but he has his own idea and it's a complete 180 to what you expect,and when he gets famous enough to do his thing it's a jarring difference that just sours you to him.

I'm happy his gone frankly,it'd be nice if we could have him on the side like a Yoda but he's more like 'ol Palpy and that won't do.
So, you built a time machine, went into the future to see TFA and now you're reporting back to us that JJ screwed it up? That's awesome. :rolleyes
I'm worried about this as well.. I'm super excited for the new movie and the rest of the trilogy, but I'm a bit worried about the way the rest of the brand will be handled. I don't want to be assaulted by Star Wars media until it stops being exciting..I'm worried about this as well.. I'm super excited for the new movie and the rest of the trilogy, but I'm a bit worried about the way the rest of the brand will be handled. I don't want to be assaulted by Star Wars media until it stops being exciting..

ts already starting. I cant walk into any store without immediately seeing a big pile of Star Wars stuff. There was a set of lightsaber BBQ tongs at Bed Bath and Beyond for gods sake! I suspect theres going to be a lot of heavely discounted Star Wars junk in about 6 months.
To be honest, this just makes me more exited for the new movie.

So, Disney want to please fans and endeavour to make something we want to see and he wants to just keep flogging the same old dead horse.

I think it's wrong to even accept the premise of the statement. Lucas was never trying to tell a story vs. fan-pleasing. What a bunch of horse****. If he can even say that with a strait face then he has absolutely no self awareness whatsoever.

Without another director or studio to slap him on the nose with a newspaper and say No!, he ends up throwing more cheesy, story-breaking, focus-group swill than even the crappy straight to video Disney fluff has in it.

Honestly that's actually the source of about 90% of all the complaints about the prequels (and ROTJ for that matter), that he was too willing to sacrifice storytelling in favor of gimmicks that look like they came straight of out of some strip mall focus group.
So, you built a time machine, went into the future to see TFA and now you're reporting back to us that JJ made a masterpiece? That's awesome. :rolleyes

No, but I have read the story synopsis which has proven to be over 90% accurate at this point, maybe 95%, and it rocks. I can tell you scene by scene how the film unfolds. Thank you Making Star Wars.


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The GL magic ended in 83. Prequels I tried to convince myself after PM that there was something there but not so much and I lost
all interest in them, well some ship designs are amazing but it's not about spaceships. LOL
Abrams of course for me, is going a direction I have no interest in. If the GL rumors are true what his take might have been, I wouldn't have
been on board either. I believe the best route would have been to go far into the future, even 1000 years. Sort of if Star Wars was a galactic WWI, and generations later came a galactic WWII. OH well. I'm not someone they consult with. LOL
The only story I'm interested in is Rouge One now and that is because of my love for the first film and if they
can jack into it properly.
Pending reviews of course.
Based on what I have been able to glean, GL wanted to do a story focusing on the Skywalker grandchildren at a sort of pre-teen age. He also was;t interested in featuring very much of the OT cast. In his own words we hear him refer to it as a family soap opera. That's his perogative but every fiber of my being would have said that's the incorrect instinct. When he say's Disney wanted to make a movie for the fans, that's not pandering and putting out some nostalgic piece of crap, that means making a film that can do two thing. Provide OT fans with the touchstones they can relate to and bring in new fans with new characters. And that's what we are getting and we are better of for it.
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ts already starting. I cant walk into any store without immediately seeing a big pile of Star Wars stuff. There was a set of lightsaber BBQ tongs at Bed Bath and Beyond for gods sake! I suspect theres going to be a lot of heavely discounted Star Wars junk in about 6 months.

Yeah, but the same thing happened the last time. When TPM came out there were TONS of toys and other merchandise that just...languished. Some of that was due to disappointment about the film itself, but some of it was just oversaturation.

I think you'll see a big rush up front, and then things will sort of level out. It'll seem less oversaturated because we'll just get used to it as the status quo.

I mean, look at it this way. Are you sick of the Marvel CU? I'm not. And yet, there's a metric crapload of stuff out there for it.

A lot of this has to do with how you choose to consume Star Wars. If you're a "gotta catch 'em all" fan, yeah, you're gonna binge and get sick. If you just kind of ignore it as background noise mostly, then you can dip into it when you want, and step away when you want. That's the approach I take now.
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