Child Boba Fett ROTJ Costume


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Child Boba Fett ROTJ Costume

So my son's favorite Star Wars character is Boba Fett

He see's me building all my costumes and wants his own...

So here is the build, Starting the build my son was 7 he now is 8, we used pepakura for the helmet and jet pack.
He cut everything out himself with child scissors. I did not keep track of his hours of cutting, but it was a
lot longer then using a x-acto knife, but he's to young for that, first...

This build is being done for the Star Wars Episode VII release...

For the Star Wars Episode VII release he's going
to be child sized Boba Fett & I'll be Jango Fett...

(PS...he talked me into it...I was going to wear my Dark Sith Lord Starkiller Costume but he said
"Daddy you have to be Jango Fett, cause that's Boba Fett's Dad, and your my dad"...)

Here is the link to the forum for the Jango Fett Build:






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Sadly I didn't get any pics of the helmet as it was being built...I resized the helmet and the jet pack down from the original settings on the pep file...Sadly I will admit that after putting everything together and glueing it's a lot bigger and the scaling was not as acurate as I expected. So with that, his helmet is going to be a little big and the jet pack honestly is huge for him, but is scale to me. I thought about making it all over again so it would be to scale, but my son insisted that I don't so he can grow into it it and use it for many years to come... So I know some people may say my scale is off, but like he said he's only 8 he will be able to use this for the rest of his life. Not just once, we all know kids grow fast, for example the shoes I'm making for him he will most likely grow out of in less then a year.

Here are some playful test photos we did with the helmet and the jet pack...



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You sir are an awesome dad!!! Keep up the awesome work! Don't forget to post a pic of boba with his dad Jango!

Thank you, And I will be posting up dates as the build progresses and once I have Jango completed...

You can always "Like" my cosplay page,and watch for all my different builds I update that more then on here...Go to photo's and then albums to see all the different builds and costumes...Thanks...
Had an issue with all the photos not showing up in error...I have fixed it now, so all the photos on each posting should show up now...I apologize for them not showing up correctly earlier...

Thanks for understanding...
I have a lot of files with pepakura files but that's about it. So while researching I found that the dented helmet has everything, I mean obviously they would. But I found templates for everything. There all in PDF files and they even have armor measurements buy height, so they even have my son's height 4'1". This will make it a lot easier to do the build. So excited.
damn good work so far. btw any chance i can get the boba fett forearm pepakura files? i cant find the ones i had and im thinking of using them in a custom Darth Vader design for DragonCon 2016
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