Batman V Superman Batarang

Where did you download the file to print with fanger54 ? If it was at MyMiniFactory - my file has recently become live there in the last few days. Obviously can't tell if your print is mine or not, so this isnt a claim of course.
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Fawbish , Dint get it from myminifactory, got it from here

Seemed like a good model so that's what i went with and it was the first i found.
I honestly want to get as many different models printed for my collection.
I like that each model has a slight difference in look.
Here's the urethane smoothed batarang next to a normal printed one, its crazy shiny


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Hope i wont and don't offend anyone about asking for your models so i can print them.
I have zero to no skills at 3d modeling and I find it impressive that you can go from a photo reference of a prop to a 3d model to a solid object .
One model i would like to get is the one for this batarang,.
If anyone has one or is working on one and does not mind sharing then please do share.
DSC04541 (1).jpg
Hope i wont and don't offend anyone about asking for your models so i can print them.
I have zero to no skills at 3d modeling and I find it impressive that you can go from a photo reference of a prop to a 3d model to a solid object .
One model i would like to get is the one for this batarang,.
If anyone has one or is working on one and does not mind sharing then please do share.
View attachment 512838

Where is that image from mate? Doesnt look like the official props but they still look really good. Might have a go at designing that type.

thats my design, ignore their print quality - as you can see above it prints out quite well in ABS.
Have had a small crack at it. 8mm thick, 165mm wide, 65mm tall. There are obvious improvements to make, like the wings being a bit narrow at the top etc.





Edit: Version 2 with slightly wider "shoulders"


ps. sorry for uploading so many I dont mean to thread hijack!


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Fawbish once you are done with the model and if you make and stl file would you mind sharing it my way, I am liking what you have going there.

Also got in the batarangs and the printer cheapen out the order so there was holes and issues with the batch of batarangs i got and had to sand them down to get them smoother then what they where. I guess its part of the 3d printing game but still impressed by the fast that you can turn a 2d image into a tangible 3d item.
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Thats where I upload my stl's, though that Type 2 batarang wont be up there for a few more days yet.

Another user has already used one of my stls to make molds for selling etc, which I'm fine with if I am contacted and then given credit for original design, which he did. Personal printing of course, knock yourself out! More downloads and likes the better! haha.
@13doctorwho how is your design coming along mate?
I am waiting on the first print from Shapeways. It shipped Monday so I should have it sometime this week. I'll post picture when it arrives. If I like it I'll make it available on Shapeways.

Thats where I upload my stl's, though that Type 2 batarang wont be up there for a few more days yet.

Another user has already used one of my stls to make molds for selling etc, which I'm fine with if I am contacted and then given credit for original design, which he did. Personal printing of course, knock yourself out! More downloads and likes the better! haha.
@13doctorwho how is your design coming along mate?

I'll keep an eye out for these to get up on your page as well, thanks for sharing it!

Please forgive my newbness, I'm totally new to cosplay and 3D printing, learning a lot the past few days though.

My goal with my Batsuit is to use it for charity purposes but the reason I'm building it is to follow in the footsteps of the late Lenny Robinson who used his Batsuit to visit sick kids in the hospital. We have an amazing children's hospital in Nashville, TN, Monroe Carell Jr. Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, and it's been a dream of mine to build a crazy awesome Batsuit and visit those kids there, hopefully bring a little happiness to some very, very sick kids. A buddy of mine has even joined up and he's buying/making a really cool Captain America Age of Ultron suit.

Reason for the backstory, I'd love to see if a 3D printer company could make smallish versions of that batarang in something like black rubber, that would be an amazing gift to each of the kids if I can get the price per unit pretty reasonable.
One of the materials that is being more widely used now is NinjaFlex - can't say I'm personally au fait with it, or its cost, but I can't imagine that it is too horrendous. A batarang would be perfect for the material as it is relatively flat, low, no horrible shapes to print etc. If you can source a local printer near you (try 3D and see if they print in Ninja flex, feel free to use any of my stl files or ask about if anyone has one, this can then be forwarded to the local printer for reproduction. They might charge more than a friend etc, but they will charge less than Shapeways etc.

Or you can have someone print it in ABS/PLA (1 off print), and create your own mold/cast? this would bring the costs down, and put the experience back in your hands

- - - Updated - - -

ill leave this here ( cnced) View attachment 517481

bloody beautiful
Fawbish, ive seen your batarang , i thought it was the same model i got to be printed but yours is quite different and i will gladly get one printed for sure... everyone makes their model different , which is reason enough for me to get it done. Also yours is flat on one side which is probably going to print out easier.
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lightslinger. A simple cheap way to make batarangs is black craft foam. A 9X12 sheet is $1.99 at craft stores. It comes in 1/8th inch and 1/4 inch. The great thing about it is with a template you can cut them out with scissors. Each sheet would make a ton of batarangs... they would be cheap and safe for little kids. You could sit and watch TV and cut out hundreds of them for almost no money. They are so simple to make you might even convince friends to cut some out. 3d printed ones would be cooler, but a lot more expensive. Molded ones would be cheaper than printed ones, but still a little expensive. It really depends on how many you plan to give out.
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