Frankenstein vinyl model kit - finished


Master Member
Getting started:

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Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

We're all waiting for the real work to begin... the painting. How do you like the castings?
Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

I can't wait to see what you do with this. I'm still blown away with you Invisible Man build.
Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

Thank you for your comment Randy13 but your Duel truck beats it all :D. This Frankenstein model is much more easier than the Invisible Man one or the Nosferatu I did. The hard part will be the head. I Understand you very well Kruleworld (guess I'll save the head painting for last... :lol.) I like this model very much especially the likeness with Karloff. I've seen some other models that don't do justice to Karloff's face.

Started painting the jacket, trausers and boots. Later one will weather it

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Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

You are too kind. I missed your Nosferatu thread so I had to check it out. Great work! My wife would love that one.
Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

You are too kind. I missed your Nosferatu thread so I had to check it out. Great work! My wife would love that one.

No I'm not. Just doing justice :D. Is your wife an horror movie fan?
I have 3 posts about my movie related kits on the first thread of the General Modeling section ( Official Show off your model collection thread!) - Nosferatu is there (and also The Hunchback of Notre Dame and some others...)
Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

I did see your Hunchback and other builds. I've always felt it's hard to capture a life-like look when painting figures. Getting the skin and clothing to not look like painted plastic, vinyl or resin is quite a challenge. I don't know how you do it. My wife is a horror movie fan but she is more into the older vampire and ghost movies.
Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit (WIP)

I must say your wife has a good taste :D I'm also a fan of the classic horror movies (Hammer and Universal) but also of all those great movies that came out in the 80's!
As to the Frankentein model, the jacket, trausers and boots are weathered. Started working on the head - will post pics tomorrow

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Re: Frankenstein vinyl model kit - finished

Model is finished.

Thank you Randy for your kind comments throughout the thread
Decided to take a few B&W pics and to add a few shots of Karloff

My small tribute to the four names responsible for the Frankenstein "myth"
Mary Shelley, James Whale, Jack Pierce and Boris Karloff

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Your paint job really brings out the details of this kit. Nice touch with the black and white pictures too. Do you mind me asking what kind of paint(s) did you use?
Your paint job really brings out the details of this kit. Nice touch with the black and white pictures too. Do you mind me asking what kind of paint(s) did you use?

Thanks, mate. Don't mind at all. Used tamiya acrylic paint (two tones of black, skin colour, white, silver, light grey and light green) for the hair used oil paint. A bit of fake blood for the scars and eyes and a bit of varnish (for the eyes)
Thanks guys for the kind comments.
It really is fascinating to paint this kit (especially the face, of course). I was sad when I finished - just wanted to keep working on it....
Guess I now understand a bit Rick Baker's fascination with Jack Pierce's work.
Next project - Lon Chaney's The Phantom of the Opera :D
nice job, i like the oldie stuff, maybe increase the size of the irises, heres a quick photoshop.


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