Jurassic World QR Egg in progress


Well-Known Member

A couple of weeks ago I decided to start making a Jurassic world egg as soon as I saw the trailer and noticed that they had QR codes, kind of unusual.
Anyway, forgot to take photos when I got carried away with making it.

Using the images from the trailer etc, I decided on a shape (scaled it in photoshop and drew around the shape) that I feel is close without having more information or references.

The core of the egg is sculpted polystyrene, covered in foil - then covered this in fibreglass and polymer clay. A texture was added to this and then sprayed with two colours to add depth. A wash was applied to bring out the texture and finally flecks of brown were added - and this is how far ive got...

(the background I just found at work, its a theming sample)


Still have a bit of brown paint to add more depth and a water slide decal QR code.
Going to display it in an aluminium disk as if it was in the incubator which i will put inside a bell jar.

more photos to follow...
Mike J. Thank you. They seem to have a more interesting texture on the ones in the photos but not sure how they achieve that.
division 6 I did check out the Masrani site when someone on here posted it but as you said, they realease bits slowly. At the time when I looked at it, there was only one photo of the egg (the one I used to work out the shape.
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Went into the spray shop at work to add wavy streaks of brown paint. It seems much more subtle in real life than in this photo, anyway...

Still trying to decide where to take the QR code to. It seems the one on the eggs dont lead to anywhere once cleaned up.

QR code.jpg
Made a whole sheet of these to get made into a water slide decal.
I may rotomould these and supply bits for little Jurassic World kits when im done! Ill have a think.

If anyone has thoughts about the QR code, let me know :D


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Well, you could make the QR code a hyperlink to a website, like the JW site or the Masrani site...

Or you could make it plain text: like a serial number, or your name, or some info on the dinosaur species inside the egg (that would probably be the most realistic).

...I will never understand why industry artists make fake barcodes that aren't functional, when a barcode generator is just a Google search away... I've seen it in District 9, in Almost Human.... Total Recall (2012) seemed to have a real one, but I could never get a clear enough picture of it to tell.
I know, there are so many things they could do with them, especially when it comes to marketing. May have to wait unitl the film comes out to update the code information to match specifics about the dinosaur inside. That QR code I uploaded does work if anyone wants to scan it :D
Well, you could always link it to the Jurassic Park Wiki page about specific dinosaurs, although I'm not sure if that would open up any copyright problems or not. Possibly this page from the Natural History Museum. For myself, I'd probably make it a link to a video clip of the baby from the tv show Dinosaurs.
Linking it to that video clip would be very funny! I always found the costumes from that show a little creepy though!
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