Studioscale Snowspeeder Rogue 2 Replica

Hey guys, I know this is an old thread but I am reviving it since there is no point in starting a new one. Just wanted to let everyone know that this build is still ongoing and post an update on the paint progress. Here she is.


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I agree, truly beautiful! I am not familiar with that aspect of the filming miniature, but I bet this work is much cleaner. It certainly feels... real...
I don't like anything you've done so far.........I love it!!:D...attention to detail and very accurate!

Great stop stuffing around and finish..chop - chop;).......don't let it be another eight years to finish...and don't be to hard on yourself, there are many out there who would love to have the skill you're displaying!!
Hey guys, thanks for the votes of confidence but I am now at a crossroads and need some suggestions and opinions. I am not exactly happy with how the paint work is coming along on this model so I am thinking of stripping it and starting over as opposed to continue hitting it with paint in an attempt to correct the issues. The problem is that the model is so big that I won't be able to find a container that I can place it in and fill with a suitable stripping agent and even if I can strip it, it is going to make a huge mess with all the multi layered paint on it, not to mention possibly ruin some of the build. I used Floquil enamels so dunking it is the only way to remove the paint that I know of, at this point I wish I had used acrylics. I really don't know what to do, any help you guys can give me is greatly appreciated.

Im sorry to hear that, but I know how you feel because I cant think of one of my model I have not strip the paint off. That's why I use only acrylics now and I use washing liquid to remove the paint (it dissolves the paint very quickly, you can even remove cellulosic paint like Tamiya primer but its harder).

Im not sure what you could use to remove your enamel paint, but dont use spirit mineral, it will work but the styrene will become brittle.

I would try the hoven cleaner spray. Spray the whole model with that, put it in a bag and spray more cleaner. Seal the bag and wait overnight. Clean the model with soapy water and a toothbrush and repeat if necessary.

I hope you'll find a way !
I'm currently going through something like this with my Master Replicas Snowspeeder...its what I ended up doing was buying a plastic storage tub from walmart and the 3 gallon jug of purple power to strip my large items. Worked well on my fett gaultnets and a few helmets so I'll be putting it to use with the snowspeeder soon. Maybe you can try something like that? cost me about $20 total.
Hey guys, I'd like to thank everyone for the suggestions on fixing this problem. Yesterday I had a disaster with this speeder. As I was working on it, trying to save it, I left it on my work table, I was sanding it and then left it on the table and went off to do something else, regardless, it slid off the table, I guess because it was wet from the sanding and came crashing to the floor causing some serious damage. I think I am just about to give this one up. Thanks again for all the help.
Helio, dont give up ! You've put too much work on it, OK it will need som extra work to do the repair, but you cant give up ! The good side of the thing is that it's painted and finished, so you can repair it with less effort. I can tell you how hard it was to repair my finished AT-ST after it did a 2 meters fall because of my cat !
Good luck !
Julien, thanks again for the vote of confidence, but it seems fate does not want me to finish her so I think that I will just take it as a learning experience. I am contemplating building a proper Rogue 2, as accurate as I can make it.
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