COMPLETED - First Build - Red Hood, New 52

Re: First Build - Red Hood (New 52)

The can says the paint is fully dry in 24 hours, and damn it, I could not wait any longer. Ta da!

Eye Reveal.jpg

I am psyched! I will put the enamel on tomorrow, and the material for the eyes should be here in a week or so.
Re: First Build - Red Hood (New 52)

Another setback, this one feels like a MAJOR setback. In what was supposed to be the final coat of enamel, on a part of the mask that was already well-coated (read: quite smooth), the enamel dripped:

Globbed Enamel.jpg

I have tried wet-sanding with 2000 grit after that pic was taken, but the enamel has peeled down to the paint. I can tell by the slight red coloring that appeared on the sand paper (I immediately stopped sanding that spot after seeing it). It looks like my course of action is to sand off all of the enamel, repaint the thing red, then re-tape and re-paint the eyes, then go back to the enamel (this time more carefully).

Oh well! Live and learn I guess. I suppose sanding is a good way to work out my frustration at my own incompetence.
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Re: First Build - Red Hood (New 52)

Past due for an update, but I figured I would get a bunch done and then show some progress at once.

That enamel I screwed up in the previous post? Yeah, turns out enamel is damn difficult to sand off!


After 4 hours total of sanding with 80 grit BY HAND (electric is on the fritz), the Hood was more or less destroyed.

No where to go but forward! I started with another coat of paint, just to see what things looked like. Not pretty...

5thCoatofPaint.jpg RemainingScratches1.jpg RemainingScratches2.jpg

Guess that's what 80 grit does for ya! I decided to throw a coat of primer on there, with the hopes of the thicker filling in most of the scratches. It did, as you can see from the post-sanding stage:

4thcoatofPrimer.jpg 4thCoatofPrimerpost-sand.jpg

Then I went back to the paint. Did one coat, sanded it down due to some unevenness on the chin and one of the ridges topside, then applied one last coat and got a nice even satin finish!

6thCoatofPaint.jpg 6thCoatofPaintCloseUp.jpg

I am looking forward to painting the eyes (again) as soon as possible, but the next 4-5 days in Chicago are going to be hot, humid, and/or rainy.

I'm thinking the Enamel might not be a good finishing touch on this. I've read up on how satin paint mixes with a clear enamel finish, and the consensus seems to be "not very well." While I am fine skipping the enamel layer, I am worried about any random dings and/or bumps taking a chunk out of the paint. Hopefully I'll find some kind of enamel/lacquer that plays well with satin.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Pic Heavy)

The second application of the black paint went just as smoothly as the first, no overspray. It was just a matter of choosing what to use for the eyes. While I am using the perforated vinyl, that stuff needs something to which to stick. At first I carved out a section of the bottom of a 2-liter of soda, but the plastic warped my vision just enough to be annoying. Instead, I popped out two mirrored sunglass lenses, and attached the perforated vinyl to them. Then I hot glued them to the interior. I bump against them every time I put the helmet on, so I'm betting hot glue reapplication will be a necessity down the road, but it seems to work.


Then I just added some padding, and it was ready to wear! Feels great to have this step of the costume completed.

Completed Mask (Wearing).jpg

I started working on the holsters over the weekend, and my spacer mesh for the shirt is on its way. September is going to be a busy month with lots to show!
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Brilliant stuff, really liking the look of that. Seems its a little set backish half the time, but well done on soldiering on.

Love the black eyes on red.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Brilliant stuff, really liking the look of that. Seems its a little set backish half the time, but well done on soldiering on.

Love the black eyes on red.

Thanks Fawbish.

There have definitely been a few setbacks, haha! It is my first build after all. While I do not have to publicize them as I have been, I am hoping that any newcomers that search out first builds might see this thread and see that things will go wrong, there will be freaking out, and then there will be (as you said) soldiering on and fixing the mistakes.

Update time!

Did some work on the holsters this week. As you can see in the first post, the holsters came with a verticals trap that extended up to belt along the outside of the leg, but I wanted the diagonal straps present in the source material. So I went and turned this..


Into this!

(the back one is un-snapped for visual's sake)

First, I removed the existing strap with a seam ripper. I put the belt on and then used the leg straps (still attached) to strap the holster to my leg where I wanted it to hang. Next, I stretched out the extra nylon strapping that I ordered with the belt to the desired length for where it would attach to both the holster and the belt. I also marked exactly where that strapping would lay on the belt and holster as well. After that, it was just punching in the snaps.

I thought about actually sewing the straps to the holsters and to the belt, but this way, not only does it make putting on and taking off things a whole lot easier, but it allows me to reuse the belt for other costumes. The snaps will likely be painted black.

Also, my spacer mesh for my shirt came today! I'll be commencing work on that some time next week.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Nice dude ! the helmet come out pretty good :D

Thanks Luis! It was a long and trying experience, but the mistakes I made were great learning tools to be applied on future projects.

What are you using for an underhood?

You mean to keep my neck from being visible? That remains to be decided, and will largely hinge on time and finances. Since I am sewing my shirt from scratch, I plan on making it a high mock neck, almost like a turtle neck, and just having that be my neck cover. If that doesn't work, I will have to get creative. I think a full balaclava will be too hot under the "hood."

I now have thefabric, and finally found and ordered a sewing pattern for the shirt. Looking forward to finally putting needle to fabric!
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Awsome can't wait too see. I've been thinking about black spandex underhood like what I used for my ranger cosplays.
Just dye it black .
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

'Twas a busy weekend! I designed my shirt patterns, based of a pattern I ordered online. Pictured you can see the front panel, back panel, sleeve, and neck.



I ran into a snag when I laid everything out on my fabric: I didn't have enough! So I placed an order for some more for the sleeves. In the mean time, I traced out the back, front, and neck.


You may note that the two front panels are separate. While I had intended on only doing a partial zip up the front or back (for ease of dressing/undressing), I realized that I didn't have enough room to cut the front and back panels as solid pieces. I did not want to set myself back too far, since I will already be waiting on the sleeves, so I decided to make the front a full zip up. It shouldn't make much of a difference in the long run, and may actually make it even easier to put on/take off.


Finally, I shaped all of the foam armor and covered it in Plastidip. Here it is pictured before spraying:

They armor will be getting a coat of matte black paint, and the bat symbol will (obviously) be painted red. I'll post pics of those once they are done.

Let the sewing commence!
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Can't wait too see it lol. I just finished my helmet. And rest of costume. It looks great man !! Can't wait to see !!


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Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Did you create the pattern for the armor or did you find it online somewhere? I am trying to find an cool armor design for my Red Hood and this one is pretty cool and also what I am looking for. If you made the design, would you mind if I used it for mine as well? I always ask, because I have heard that many prefer not to share their personal designs because they want their cosplays to be unique to others.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Did you create the pattern for the armor or did you find it online somewhere? I am trying to find an cool armor design for my Red Hood and this one is pretty cool and also what I am looking for. If you made the design, would you mind if I used it for mine as well? I always ask, because I have heard that many prefer not to share their personal designs because they want their cosplays to be unique to others.

I should note that my design was inspired by the Nightwing armor in the YouTube miniseries "Nightwing: The Series."

That said: yes, I measured, drew, and cut all of the patterns myself. But I have always thought that imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I'd be honored if you chose to use the design for yours as well!
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

I should note that my design was inspired by the Nightwing armor in the YouTube miniseries "Nightwing: The Series."

That said: yes, I measured, drew, and cut all of the patterns myself. But I have always thought that imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I'd be honored if you chose to use the design for yours as well!

Thanks man. If anybody asks I'll tell them where I got the design idea from.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Helmet Post 44)

Sewing is progressing slowly but surely. I have lined the sleeve ends and the bottom him of the shirt with elastic stripping, to serve as a clean finish, keep the shirt from unraveling, and still allow it to stretch.

I still have to do the same with the neck line. Unfortunately, the neckline is uneven, and stretching the elastic to better curve along the edge will only result in it snapping back once stitched, leaving it misshapen.

Once I figure that out, I should be able to stitch the rest of the shirt together pretty easily. Also, the weather for the weekend looks gorgeous, so I should be able to paint the armor pieces.
Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Shirt Post #57))

Much sewing has been done over the past few days.


The shirt is finally complete! I still have to figure out how the armor will attach, but I have laid it out for you to see below. (The fabric looks navy blue in the pic, but I assure you it is black.) Test fitting to come in the next couple days!


Re: First Build - Red Hood, New 52 (Finished Shirt Post #57))

Yay progress!
Looking good man, digging the shirt, i love the fabric/material
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