Phantasm Shotgun Prop?

DSCI0054.JPGDSCI0053.JPGDSCI0050.JPGDSCI0049.JPGDSCI0048.JPGDSCI0047.JPG Dont mind the date text to the right of the photos. My camera drans the batery & the clock resets.

I need to cut the barrels, paint the gun & make a new batery pack for the light I made from a flashlight & toy egg.
I need help on re-disigning the gun butt, & how to make the singel trigger mechanisem.

On kcockong the gun, I was thinking of looping the kcocking string back in the gun, but the pressure on the springs would brake the gun in half. The best thing to do is pull each string back or make a bar on the gun butt & tie the strings to it.

Please, I need professional help with this prop.
Hi everyone!

I'm a long time viewer and poster on this site , but my old name got deleted so I have to use this new one, and I'm also a big Phantasm fan (honestly, I thought they said they were DONE with Ravager, where the hell is it?), and I just love Reggie's four barrel!

It's been interesting to see people's interest in this great movie weapon, and it's a project I've finally decided to tackle on my own!

My version is coming from a starting point of two old western-style toy double barrel shotguns, so while I'll try my best at recreating it faithfully, it will be more toy sized than accurate size.


My starting items: two double barrel shotgun toys, a child's toy mining helmet, some balsa wood, and old Schwinn bicycle handle grip (just like the original!), as well as a dip stick and electrical tape (not pictured).

I have to get my hacksaw and get to work, but I shall post updates soon!
man i really hope someone finishes this soon we need a faithful quad barrel. ive love the weapons from these movies. both this and flame thrower. a cannon version would be the best.
just thought id post that the ones in the movie are rossi squire double barrel shotguns.
and it looks like what they did was cut both stocks off the guns used bondo to put them together and to attach on one of the sawed of stock to the middle.


you can clearly see it in this shot.
Got quite a bit done today:

1. Front handle base constructed out of balsa wood, nails, and painted.
2. Sawed off rear stocks.
3. Shotguns glued together, handle base glued on, reload release levels glued together.

Sorry all, been a bad time lately, lost a family member, haven't really had time to work on this thing much.

Short update - the stock has been glued on a and putty's been applied, need to sand and paint.

Also, the part I originally got for the light on top is far too big, going to have to find a replacement, anyone got any ideas?
I used a head of a flashlight pvc pipe & wooden box for the batterys & swich. You can try finding a bike light that looks close & fit it to the wooden shaft handel between the barrels.
An update on my quad gun.I've bin having trouble with my triggering system, but I think I found the answer.I took a spring of one of the trigger latches & nailed them together. Then I used a wire hanger & made a pull wire connected from the nail to a wood dowel in a bolted piece of wood for the trigger.I don't know if I'm going to close off the back of the gun. I thought of putting pull wires for cocking, but it would be difficult to pull both gun cocking mechanisms. I would have to put a foot pulley & some strengthening to make sure nothing brakes. I think I'll pull the individual strings on at a time for safety.


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Anybody else ever tackle this project? The last post here was over 9 years ago. I think I'm gonna try my hand at it.
Here is a video of someone who made a live-fire version:
Also, some photos in hopes it helps. == Ed
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