The Parts of Star Wars is now on Facebook!

Good idea!!! I wonder how lightsabers are made. I went through your facebook page and I cleared one of my doubts which I was carrying since many days. I was looking for the detailed research on the parts of lightsaber which could explain me all its components in the easiest way. I hope definitely your page will help me in future if I generate any queries regarding any star war movie props.

I have wanted to suggest something like this for years!

You have been an inspiration in all things Star Wars props for a WHOLE LOT of people who have went on to go ridiculously in depth to uncover an amazing amount of unknown greeblies and what nots.

Now it can live and grow from your original idea.

Hats off to you bro.

This is gonna be cool.

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Great! There go the price of vintage parts through the roof!

Just kidding...

That is a concern for us and we're keeping it in mind going forward.
I've heard some concerns about particular items like the correct Horton crossbow.
Any thoughts?

Many people here have had recent success obtaining Hortons. There's been what 4 or 5 that turned up within the last year? After decades of nothing.
Part of me thinks that most fans of the Facebook page come here too and already know about the Horton. Casual fans of the Facebook page probably don't have the drive or desire to spend the money on a piece like this that's already so rare. It might even help more Horton's show up on the market.

I remember when Exactra 19 calculators were extremely rare, now new ones show up on eBay nearly every day. Prices came down as more went up for sale and perfect replicas were made.

We'll probably move slow in some areas just to be cautious.
BTW - Thanks for all the kinds words everyone!
It's great to see everyone's reaction and shared memories about the website (which still looks like a time capsule - lol)
It's been over 15 years since we started the site. Reiff and I were reminiscing about the old days. We started research for The Parts of Star Wars with BOOKS. We hung out in libraries and book stores looking at every old military equipment book, camera collectors price guide, and whatever else we thought might lead to something. The internet was dial-up! and slooooow. We photocopied book pages and wrote notes on paper.
It sounds almost archaic now :)
i love your site, do u have coverage of the differences between vaders suits threw the series?
Hilarious. Well I better get my OT Saber collection finished off before Ep VII... just in case I'm on the hunt for the next saber parts.

Dare they go back to military and camera part sabers....
There might be a graflex flashgun involved since I know that 'Foodles Company' purchased one from a great vendor online ;)

Interesting, not sure why they would need a Graflex around since Luke lost his father's in ESB. It might just be for inspiration.
I heard they also bought a set of trooper armor from another vendor.
Liked the page, and it's awesome to see Ep VII props! But if I may offer a gentle criticism, I think it's a real shame the site is still in need of an update. I go there and see things like the Han flash hider and Kenobi emitter part being speculated on inaccurately when I know they were long ago (and excitingly) discovered. When I was first getting into the hobby it was so fun and educational to read your site--it would be great to see POSW get a much needed overhaul!
Liked the page, and it's awesome to see Ep VII props! But if I may offer a gentle criticism, I think it's a real shame the site is still in need of an update. I go there and see things like the Han flash hider and Kenobi emitter part being speculated on inaccurately when I know they were long ago (and excitingly) discovered. When I was first getting into the hobby it was so fun and educational to read your site--it would be great to see POSW get a much needed overhaul!

Same here.
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