Hit-Girl (Kick-Ass)

Are you serious?! I looked into the Drummond Grey at least a year ago! I can't believe I was so flipping CLOSE! You are fantastic. Seriously. THANK YOU. It sounds like you have to watch the dye bath like a hawk. I was leaving my current kilt fabric in a dye bath of 3 dye packets for hours on end with no result. And I did that at least 3 times. I am indeed planning on having my next kilt be an actual kilt, so looks like I need to do some price searching. I feel like getting a new kilt is the last big piece of the puzzle to getting the costume where I want it, so this comes as a huge relief. And as an awesome bonus I get to say, "Big Daddy helped me with my kilt!". :D
Glad I could help! :) there are some pretty good kilt making tutorials online. It's fairly simple as far as sewing goes, but it takes alot more fabric than I thought it would. ;) I used one bottle of the Purple Liquid RIT Dye, and left the fabric in for 1 hr. Wool takes dye very well because its' a natural fabric, so be carful, its' always easier to go darker than to try and back the color out! :lol
Glad I could help! :) there are some pretty good kilt making tutorials online. It's fairly simple as far as sewing goes, but it takes alot more fabric than I thought it would. ;) I used one bottle of the Purple Liquid RIT Dye, and left the fabric in for 1 hr. Wool takes dye very well because its' a natural fabric, so be carful, its' always easier to go darker than to try and back the color out! :lol

Agreed. You can always dye things a second time. I can't remember how long I dyed mine, but I know I used a half package of RIT powder. I want to say for thirty minutes? But that was a long time ago. I could be wrong.

Also, as far as making a kilt, it's crazy easy, just super repetitive. I you can sew a straight line, you can make a kilt. But DO THE MATH. FOUR TIMES. Not just twice. Like Big Daddy, I had fabric issues, too, despite doing the math several times. You will use TONS of fabric. I've made more kilts since Hit-Girl (seriously, easiest thing I've made - if boring because it's the same thing over and over and over and over) and have learned my lesson after the first two. Hit-Girl was my first, and I ran out of fabric. Fortunately, I had more and just cut and sewed and made the piece I'd already cut longer. I though I was good to go on my second kilt. Wasn't going to run out. No way. Yeah...I didn't. I had enough. But BARELY. After that, no problems. I've learned. The pleats just eat it up!
Thank you!! I never did. :/ Have you had any luck? I'm pretty much writing it off at this point.

That's so awesome!! I saw that NECA was coming out with a replica of The Colonel's bat. That's pretty cool, I wonder if they'll be coming out with anything else from the new movie! I'd kill to see somebody produce a replica of the Mindy Stick.

NECA came out with a foam version of the Mindy Stick. It doesn't mention if it separates, though. I saw it on amazon for about $22.
Kick-Ass 2 Hit-Girl Katana (Foam Prop Replica) | NECAOnline.com

Amazing costume by the way! I prefer the first version to the second because the kilt looked more dramatic during the fight scenes but the second version would be a better match height-wise for me. I have a Drummond Grey skirt for the kilt but I think I need one more so I can be sure I have enough fabric. Still trying to source the right fabric for the suit.
NECA came out with a foam version of the Mindy Stick. It doesn't mention if it separates, though. I saw it on amazon for about $22.
Kick-Ass 2 Hit-Girl Katana (Foam Prop Replica) | NECAOnline.com

Amazing costume by the way! I prefer the first version to the second because the kilt looked more dramatic during the fight scenes but the second version would be a better match height-wise for me. I have a Drummond Grey skirt for the kilt but I think I need one more so I can be sure I have enough fabric. Still trying to source the right fabric for the suit.

I saw that! Pretty cool they came out with one, BUT the scaling is off. I'm terrible when it comes to figuring things like this out, but the NECA prop is only 40'' long. I'm *pretty* sure the Mindy Stick is longer than that. Then again I could be entirely wrong. I'm just trying to approximate what I see. I scaled mine a bit bigger because I know in the first movie the Mindy Stick is as tall as she is. So to go with the illusion I made mine as tall as I am (it's actually slightly taller than me).

Thank you so much!!! Her first outfit will always be my favorite, it's so iconic. And I definitely agree! The kilt looks so awesome! It looks so good with the costume when you turn, or do something dramatic for a photo. I can't wait to update my "kilt" so it has more layers! The second costume's basic wrap-around short skirt is just boring. There's no movement. (Not to mention my biggest peeve with her new costume: those stupid shoulder pads.)

The fabric for the jacket/pants is still a big mystery. Nobody's been able to source it. I really hope that ONE DAY it'll turn up somewhere. Or maybe the costume designer for Kick-Ass could be interrogated.

Haven't posted a photo in a while! Here's variation of a similar photo I posted awhile back:

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I wanted to dress up my 10 year old daughter as Hit Girl but thought it might be a little innapropriate when she shows up at school considering the basis of the movie lol. So I'll have to make her dress up for our Halloween party instead at the house.
I wanted to dress up my 10 year old daughter as Hit Girl but thought it might be a little innapropriate when she shows up at school considering the basis of the movie lol. So I'll have to make her dress up for our Halloween party instead at the house.

Awwwww! I hope you still do it even if just for a house Halloween party!

I started painting/sanding progress today making my new Mindy Stick replacement for my con next week. It's also 93 degrees outside. I weep. This time I'll get photos of the prop just by itself before I run off breaking it again. I like the blade shape a lot better this time around, and the process is also going a lot smoother! I was able to salvage the pvc pipe from the first one, so that really helps with the limited time I have left!
Ah! Portland. Very nice. Now I get the 92 comment.

Even though I will miss it was hoping you were in Montreal.
Still trying to get to New York but I'm hitting the no Ebay ticket roadblock.
Ah! Portland. Very nice. Now I get the 92 comment.

Even though I will miss it was hoping you were in Montreal.
Still trying to get to New York but I'm hitting the no Ebay ticket roadblock.

Right? On my day off when I need to get as much painting work done as possible, the weather decides to be so hot I run the risk of my wooden blades bursting into flames before my eyes. As of currently they haven't done that yet thankfully.

I would kill to go to NYCC! I just found out Chloe's going to be there. Chloe. My soul is crushed. But I so wish we were closer, it would be absolutely amazing to be able to see your Colonel in person and get photos together! As of yet I haven't ran into any other Kick-Ass cosplayers when in HG. I really hope that thanks to the second movie that'll change at my next con! (I think I'd have to fight back tears if I ever actually ran into a Big Daddy.)
A photo shoot would be so cool.
That is one of the reasons I was trying so hard to get to NY a fellow RPF'er is putting together Justice Forever and wanted my version of the Colonel.
Quite flattered actually. All the negative feedback I got thought no one would be interested.

But I am surprised to see a few Colonels popping up on the internet and facebook so you may luck out and see more KA this year.
Yet, While your stoked to meet Big Daddy....I think it would be cool to meet a Mother Russia.
A photo shoot would be so cool.
That is one of the reasons I was trying so hard to get to NY a fellow RPF'er is putting together Justice Forever and wanted my version of the Colonel.
Quite flattered actually. All the negative feedback I got thought no one would be interested.

But I am surprised to see a few Colonels popping up on the internet and facebook so you may luck out and see more KA this year.
Yet, While your stoked to meet Big Daddy....I think it would be cool to meet a Mother Russia.

A Justice Forever group?! Aw man.... now I'm really bummed I can't go.

How in the hell did you receive negative feedback on your Colonel?! Send them my way buddy, your costume is fantastic. Chances are they're just jealous of what you were able to create. Or they're Jim Carrey haters.

Seeing a Mother Russia would be insane, you'd have to be buff beyond belief! I'd still be excited if I just saw a Kick-Ass. Definitely feeling like with the release of the second movie my chances are pretty good!
How in the hell did you receive negative feedback on your Colonel?! Send them my way buddy, your costume is fantastic. Chances are they're just jealous of what you were able to create. !
When it was on the RPF face book all but one was negative anti-Jim comments. Some of the The local comments " off RPF " weren't very positive either but I'll be happy to send them your way.

I was driving through a small town near Ft. Stewart that still has a drive in. Guess what was showing 'Kickazz 2'!!!! Love the z in-place of the s. Wish I could have stopped but it was the afternoon and had a few more miles to go.
Hi guys!! So sorry for the late replies!

Totally friggin' cool!

Thank you so much!! :)

Nicely done!

Thank you!!! :D

@HyperShadow I'd love to see the new Mindy-stick, any pics? :)

I have to be honest and say that I wasn't pleased at all with how the new one came out. Way too tall, blades too long and awkward-looking, but for the con it served it's purpose. Here's some photos I nabbed from the con:



(Photo credit: Emmett Allison)


(Photo credit: Omega Blog)

My next project is finally having an individual much more talented than I create a new Mindy Stick (hopefully) in time for my next con. I was going to have that done in time for my last con, but life unfortunately got in the way and I had to use the funds I set aside for the project on much less fun things. Needless to say I'm very excited to finally be able to get this project off the ground and am just waiting to hear back from the commissioner. :)


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Definitely got the blade shape down, :cool:thumbsup are the made from plywood? The new ones I slapped together for my daughter this Halloween are foam blades and way over sized, I'm going to cut them down and try painting them to get the scale right. I might make a pair of wood or metal bladed sticks down the road for filming, but she swings them around way too much, foam is the safest for everyone at this point! ;) :lol
Definitely got the blade shape down, :cool:thumbsup are the made from plywood? The new ones I slapped together for my daughter this Halloween are foam blades and way over sized, I'm going to cut them down and try painting them to get the scale right. I might make a pair of wood or metal bladed sticks down the road for filming, but she swings them around way too much, foam is the safest for everyone at this point! ;) :lol

Hahahaha!!! Thank you!! The blades are basewood I think? I just got pre-cut sheets from the modeling section at Michaels. But that sure doesn't make for very sturdy blades (broke one "blade" clean off with one wrong swing of the first staff I made). Still not satisfied with what I personally have the ability to create, so I'll be seeking the talent of GS Props to create a new Mindy Stick that will have more durable blades, better scaling, and will just overall look more polished. But if the deadline for the new staff can't be done, I'll just be re-using the one I have now until the new one can be made.
If I remember correctly, it was said the whole thing was only supposed to be as long as hit girl was tall. I can't remember where I caught that, I think it was the special features on the DVD.