World War Z - pants w/ knee pads


Sr Member
It looked like the pants Brad Pitt was wearing had built in kneepads. Is this a new trend? It makes a lot of sense.
Anyone have a pair or looking at them?


  • brad-pitt-world-war-z-reshoots-03.jpg
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Don't know for sure but they may be Crye Precision G3 Combat Trousers. The knee pads aren't built in. They are seperate pieces that have tabs that slide into pre-made pockets on the trousers. The Marine Corps MARPAT utility uniform has similar pockets but they are on the inside.

G3 Combat Pants?
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The Emersons would be an economical alternative if you weren't concerned with canon but they don't seem available in khaki.:(
Most of our uniforms have spots for internal soft knee pads. The Marines have one style, the Army and USAF (when they wear the multi-cams) have a slightly different style.

Shown are Crye pants. They have 2 setups, one with internal knee pads, one with external knee pads (seen). the Crye pants are often used by special operations forces since they are more fitting and have some better features.

I have a set with the internal knee pads and they are much more comfortable and fit better than standard uniform pants. The knee pads actually tend to stay around the knees compared with external knee pads or normal ACUs which never seem to be there when I need them.
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