small soldiers chip hazard replica

If you're interested in making a really accurate Chip, I'd probably start with the lifesize Bubble Bath rather than the Hasbro 12" figure. The Bubble Bath sculpt is more accurate than the 12" figure - especially the head, it's not squashed or stretched too tall like the 12" figure and the facial features just look more like Chip. The elbows do not bend like the 12" figure, but the joints are the accurate sculpt rather than the huge chunky joints on the 12" figure. The only things that let it down (apart from the arms not bending) are that the chest walkie talkie is missing a button and the circular grill detail and the dog tags don't have the skull emblem on them.

That and the fact that the legs are part of a bottle..... I'm planning on filling the bottle part with expanding foam, cutting out the section between the legs and then sculpting in the sections of the legs/boots that are missing (nice fairly smooth surfaces). I thought about grafting the 12" figure legs onto the top half of the bubble bath, but they would just not line up properly.

Still, by far the most accurate sculpt out there at the moment (apart from the movie props and the mega rare Japanese SoftGarage statue).


If you're interested in one of the bubble baths to modify, shoot me a PM.
Hey I did have the same thought about the bubble bath so I went on a bout 5 month mission to find one eventually I found one on eBay and when it arrived I wasn't to impressed by it its a lot smaller than the 12" figure and the head sculpt apart from being to small just didn't look detailed enough for my liking the film prop is 12" but the prop chip is a lot bulkier than the Hasbro 12" figure but fear not as I should have some really good news to share with you all soon so stay tuned.
IMAG1911.jpgIMAG1912.jpgthe only thing I might be able to use from the bubble bath is the arms but im not sure yet I might just make a new sculpt of them but like I said hopefully some good news to come very soon.


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You're pictures do work, though there is some unnecessary code in there too.

The bubble bath IS smaller than the 12" figure, but it's such a small difference in size that it's barely noticeable. It's definitely a better sculpt than the 12" figure though, and more accurate.

Still, I'll be interested to see what you come up with. Especially if you do the other Commandos as I've NEVER seen a lifesize representation of ANY of them.
Thanks for letting me know about the pictures howlrunner yeah I know what you mean about the bubble bath the arms are a lot better than the Hasbro figure just a shame the joints don't move and the face shape is better but not good enough for my goal on this project.I can't wait to start on the other commandos just need to get chip right first so that I can get the scale right on the others I'm going to sculpt the heads first tho so you have an idea of what's to come :).
Hi everyone like I promised I have some very cool news for you I've been working closely with a huge small soldiers fan (like myself) from the USA who's a proud owner of two very cool busts of archer and chip hazard now these busts from what we can tell have come from the man himself Stan Winston and made from the Stan Winston studios team so these busts are the real deal they are screen accurate to the original props details so they seem to have come from the original moulds and on the base of the busts it says especially made for Jim charmatz now for those who don't know it Jim charmatz is one of the artists who worked on the film small soldiers making props for Stan Winston he designed sculpted painted and was the puppeteer of slamfist so we think these busts were possibly made as a thank you gift at the end of filming now for the good news the very kind owner of the busts who's also a member of this site has very kindly made silicon moulds of these busts so that I can cast and make them into 1:1 12" replica figures :) now it doesn't get any better than this unless you have the hero props themselves or Stan Winston limited figures he made anyway I have the moulds with me now and can't wait to start this project it's going to be a very fun one to work like I said the props from the film are a lot bulkier than the Hasbro figures so I won't be using the Hasbro figures anymore as I'm going for the best possible replica I can make so stayed tuned for updates and step by step pictures :).
I wish you the best luck in this build. I have been looking for a Chip Hazard replica for so long, if you can make them screen accurate i will deff be interested, please keep us posted. GOOD LUCK!
Recently got the Stan Winston art book, its great! Really cool section on Small Soliders in there, some cool images. Also found an old Brick Bazooka small figure at a friends house!!!

Any updates!?
Yeah I also got that book about two weeks ago some really good pictures especially the big picture of the chip hazards that will really help me with the paint ups on this project.I have made resin copies from the moulds of each bust plus an extra head of each so I can put ball joints in them I'm just waiting for some more resin to arrive so that I can make so more copies to sand and put ball joints in for the arms so as soon as the resin gets here I can get on with that.
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