Flash - Jay Garrick, not classic not New 52 haha


New Member
I wanted to make a classic Jay Garrick costume after having seen one on-line. I started searching for WWI dough-boy helmets and got one that was in pretty bad shape for only $30-40.
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With a little elbow grease and a sanding bit I got it down to this. There was no padding inside so I lined it with red mounting tape. You can see a dent in the top of it, since this is supposed to be a genuine WWI helmet I left it as is instead of filling it. That dent might have saved someone's life or maybe it just got dropped after a well deserved night of celebration after the war, who knows?
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I decided to spray -paint it but if I made another one I think I'd zinc plate it. I made the wings out of presentation board and the struts out of modeling clay. I hope to discover a resin process now that I have joined this thread.

Okay I am happy with the helmet which was what made me jump on this. It is September now so I figured I better order the shirt and tights since the first issue had tights, not pants. Aaaand they sent me a t-shirt not a sweater, sorry sold out was the answer I got. Now it is about 2 weeks to the Halloween party and I can't get a proper sweater. The tights were too big as well but my wife sews well and they worked out after all. So all of this took place BEFORE Earth 2 Flash was introduced which made me feel comfortable enough to take liberties. I got a blue Nike runners' turtleneck that I could wear under the t-shirt. There were some company logos on the shirts I covered up with lightning bolts that matched the sweater. They were made out of yellow sheets of duct tape. To make it a little more 2011 and less 1942 I painted some sunglasses red and put lightning bolts on them. Instead of boots I sprayed some high-tops red. I liked the costume so much I wore it again in the Motor City Comic Con 2013. In 2013 I held the belt in place with foam mounting tape as it shifted rather unattractively the first time (had nothing to do with the beverages).
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I have enjoyed this helmet so much I made a display stand for it and enjoy the memories when I see it.


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Thank you, I was surprised at the Comic Con how many people commented on liked that it was a Golden Age costume. Already started on my Golden Age Green Lantern for next year, maybe Halloween haha,
I always liked the Golden Age characters, just a shame they don't reprint them for the kids to see these days. Especially the WW2 era ones. The helmet turned out really good.
I always liked the Golden Age characters, just a shame they don't reprint them for the kids to see these days. Especially the WW2 era ones. The helmet turned out really good.

Thanks Wes, I used to love reading all the reprints they had in the 100 pages issues in the 70's. Always been a big fan of Alice Cooper too haha.

Bizzaro Lois said:
I love Golden Age characters. It's fun to costume as them at cons, because you get great reactions.

Lois I was amazed at the reactions I got at Motor City Comic Con!!!
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