Sleepy Hollow TV Series..

Beechy McFly

Sr Member
Sleepy Hollow TV Series..


Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman's vision for the series sees the familiar Ichabod Crane living in a modern-day Sleepy Hollow, where he teams up with a female sheriff to not only solve the strange and supernatural happenings taking place in town, but also to unravel each mystery’s connection to the larger battle between good and evil..

Really don't high hopes for this, but will give it a watch.. Seems to want to be ripping of The X-Files and National Treasure while it's at it..


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Bad marketing (come on, how many times are you going to do the "heads will roll" bit on Sleepy Hollow, huh? Never seen that one before...), but the concept might turn out to be interesting.
Headless horseman with access to a assault rifle....*cough* your ***ked *cough*

idk where there going to go with this but "Time Traveling Ichabod Crane" has my attention I hope this dosnt bunk out. But I do hope Orlando Jones gets another creepy crawly in his suit! XD
It's The Headless Horseman legend mixed with good and evil mythos, brought to the 21st century, and blended with National Treasure.

Could be interesting and fun if done right. If not, it'll defy the laws of physics by sucking and blowing at the same time.
Oh yeah!

I will be watching, who knows it could be the next big thing if they have some great writers

It can definitely go either way.. I'll watch a few episodes to see how it goes, but mainly watching cause I'm a John Cho fan..
Looks interesting but at the same I don't think that it will have any staying power, I predict that it will last no more than 2 seasons before FOX ends up pulling the plug on it.
I liked it and wondered how long it would take before someone makes something from it. Some really cool props so far... the main broad axe, the skull in a jar and the 'bible'.
Caught the first episode last night. I have to admit I wasn't going in with very high expectations. I was pleasantly surprised, however! I thought it was pretty good and pretty original as scripted television goes.

Of course, almost all the shows I enjoyed over the past few seasons have wound up cancelled: Terra Nova, Alcatraz, FlashForward, New Amsterdam, Awake...

I was planning on watching this but I will admit, I got turned off only because while watching the NFL this Sunday, every commercial break showed the preview. I just got tired of it. I recorded it at least so I will watch it eventually.
Watched the premiere last night and loved it. Although I'm doing my best not to get too attached to it, Fox has a habit of cancelling good, original TV shows. 'Awake' is a good example, it was a good show, good acting, and original and interesting idea, and they axed it.

That being said, I really did like it, in the world of horrible reality tv, it's nice to see something new and refreshing for a change. But again, it's Fox, so I wont get my hopes up lol
Same here...I was pleasantly surprised, and it wasn't as hokey as I thought it would be. It moved along pretty quick, so I hope they take time later to explain some of the "hows" and "whys" of the early (flashback) scenes. One thing I found interesting, was that apparently no one in Sleepy Hollow has ever heard of Washington Irving, or make any reference (or connection to) to the original 'Legend'.

The Hessian (or, "horseman", as they called him) was pretty badass...much beefier than Ray Park's 1999 version. I can see a possible mask/costume in future....:D

I got it on the DVR right now. But I heard it blows biggie balls and is kinda crazy stupid. I'll watch it tonight and see for myself. Also heard that they are looking at more than one horse man for the whole series..Like 4 if you know what I'm saying.
I didn't go in with high hopes either but thought it was pretty dang good myself. Set up the season pass as it ended.
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