Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion - Paint complete

Idaho Jones

Well-Known Member
So inspired by a thrift store find, and this thread I've started to convert over a toy clone helmet. The tab's weren't holding together so the kids weren't playing with it anymore. I thought it would give me a chance to learn some new skills or at least buy some new tools, one of which is a mouse sander.

I started by tearing apart the helmet, I cut out the interior frame so I could install the lens with the helmet assembled. i tried to keep as much as possible for structure.


Using a for sell sign left over from my Gaffi build and the template found in the mentioned thread I rebuilt the eyes.


Next I tore out the ear disk's and found a washer to rebuild with.


Then I reassembled the helmet with glue and a old bits of plastic and bondo to fill in the gaps. Then on to bondo, sand and repeat. I need to get more sandpaper to continue on. Some more progress shots.

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Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

That's looking real nice for a toy conversion, look forward to seeing progress with this! :popcorn
Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

Great looking helmet. It's coming along really well. I've got two just waiting for the time when I can get to them. I can't wait to see it when it's done.
Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

So after a couple of layers of bondo and a coat of primer things are starting to look good. I'm still favoring the red striped helmet and I'll probably add some battle damage weathering. I should try and find some reflective tint to add to the visor.
Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

Inspires me to convert my Hasbro from e*ay for 15$ too.

Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

This causes great inspiration to try a conversion. Amazing how drastically different it turns out to be with seemingly little added.
I can't wait to see this fully finished.
Re: Hasbro Phase 1 Clone helmet conversion WIP

Well here's some photos not taken with an Ipotato. Painting complete, just need to weather it and run down to the tint shop and see if I can find some reflective tint.

Got a nice layer of weathering on any ideas for mirror tinting the visor? The tint shop said their tint wouldn't stick to the plastic.
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