Screen Accurate Millennium Falcon Cockpit (CG Model)

I would like to see one render - the FSF version in the hanger. I would really like to see what the differences are between the ANH version and the FSF version. Is that possible?
And what if I took that attitude with the cockpit build, Sir?

... well damn, you got me there... heh.

So, in answer to your second question: it's not really possible, for one reason. The FS Falcon is bigger than the docking bay......

I said earlier that the bay was 122 feet deep. This is true, but a bit misleading. The floor on its own is only 112 feet deep, and I added 10 extra feet of depth from the first level with the blast doors, to the actual back wall.

When I measured it, it kind of gave me a shocking perspective on just how monstrous the FS falcon is going to be at 114'... it would take up the entire floorspace of the elstree soundstage used for both original sets...

Though, I probably could put the FS model in there, for comic effect... let me see about that.
This sounds interesting. I would love to see how the FSfalcon should look in this hangar.
Maybe in some shots it will be wiser to cheat and actually is looking better if bigger :) Compositing wise everything is possible.
Sure these images are not accurate as Steve suggested but the concept is there if any room can be used for good.

Im pretty positive Jaitea did a video comparison of solving this mess with the sizes.

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more serious renders are still cooking.....

but in the meantime


(the stormtroopers aren't my construction, so I can't be blamed for their inaccurate beer swilling and People magazine reading)
"TK-421, why aren't you at your post? TK-421, are you reading that copy of People?" ...Urg, he we go again.


Wow...I just went through the last 53 pages of this thread, and now my eyes are all blurry/watery...
First off...AMAZING work here...the rendering of all the different angles we haven't seen before are just overwhelming.
Second...I don't think I've ever seen so many behind the scenes pics of the Falcon in one place before...A lot of stuff I've never seen before, that's for sure...
Third...about 40 pages back or so, someone brought up the notion of a viewport or window looking from the main hold out between the mandibles, in the recesses of the jawbox...I'm wondering if anyone pointed out that the AMT/ERTL/MPC 1/72 kit includes this? We all know how accurate this kit is (LOL), but looking at my kit, there's clearly a window/viewport in there...I'm not saying it's canon or anything, but there might be a reason why it's included on the kit... docking bay scene from ANH..."What a piece of junk!"...that circular thing with the rod going through it on the top of the Falcon...I always thought it looked like a lid from a large fountain soda with a straw in it...I know it isn't, but I just thought it was funny someone pointed it out with a "wtf is this thing???".
I love everything I'm seeing in this thread, and can't wait to see more!
These renders just keep getting better and better! You've inspired me to get off my butt and get back into my project. :thumbsup docking bay scene from ANH..."What a piece of junk!"...that circular thing with the rod going through it on the top of the Falcon...I always thought it looked like a lid from a large fountain soda with a straw in it...I know it isn't, but I just thought it was funny someone pointed it out with a "wtf is this thing???"

I have ALWAYS wondered the same thing. :)
Crazy detail you have in that bay. Beautiful work.
I've wanted to do a render of this sort with the Falcon for a long time...long time.
Sorry went all Kenobi there for a second.
Steve i was wondering if you can identify what part of the ship is seen, when the training remote is shooting at luke.
I have some feelings that they didnt use the correct backdrop due the limitations of the room.
It will be interesting what part of the ship SHOULD look when the close ups appear.
I have included some images for you to see and if anything from these can help you locate the part of the ship.
Rough Image colage
Some Clean up
Thanks in advance!
