Quorra - Tron Legacy


Sr Member
My Quorra - Tron Legacy costume. Armor made from 1.0mm gauge black latex sheeting, molded to my body. Under armor bodysuit custom made HEX print made by RPF user Soulinertia , and a black matte 4-way stretch vinyl. Lite Tape provided by Luminous Films. This costume actually lights up, there are no photoshop effects done to these photos. ID disc mod, completed by me and parts supplied by Soulinertia. Boot construction completed with neoprene. All costume construction was done by me, completed in 2011.

  • What inspired you - I love sci-fi futuristic films and anything that lights up, another challenge costume for me, 1st time making a light up costume using Lite Tape.
  • How long it took. - On and off half of all of 2011. The lights were a complete pain in the rear to figure out, so much shorting out, the battery power source, all the wiring trying to figure it all out was insanity, but I got it all working by SDCC 2011.
  • How much it cost. - I never keep track of what I spend on costumes, partially I think because I don't want to think about it. I'd rather make costumes then eat. I'd say at least $1000 on this costume.
  • Specific details for which you are most proud. - Figuring out how to light it up. Thanks to the TRON Costume thread here on the RPF I was able to find the best company to provide me my Lite Tape needs.
  • Tips. Want to make your own Tron costume build? Head on over to the TRON COSTUME thread where I learned it all. It has the most hits out of any other thread topic in the RPF forum. Over 1 million hits! WOOT! :cool (over 2 million hits :D keep the TRON cosplay love going TRON fans! edit: Dec. 2017)


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Wow, looks great!!

My boyfriend and I were interested in doing Tron costumes but got sidetracked by other things... :unsure
Awesome not a huge TRON fan in fact the costumes are about the only thing I like about it and that turned out spot on! By far the best example I've seen.
Absolutely fantastic work, and you look fantastic in it! Definitely raises the bar for anyone attempting Quorra!
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