Looking for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Pepakura Files

it seems really weird that noone can find a blue ranger file... if anything thats the 2nd one i'd want after a white ranger one.

oh, thanks for hte links EyeofSauron.
i modeled it from a front and a side view that i took from DVD screenshots. the picture you linked looks kinda weird

anyway, its not perfect by any means, it was one of my first models, i might redo it at some point.

Yeah, that's the original helmet from the television series, so not too sure.
Been looking for a while for one, seems weird that there isn't one available. What with the Red Ranger being the leader and all. LOL
I'm just curious why mine isn't accurate either? I feel that they are all pretty decent files for what they are. If you think you can do better then I suggest that you model a helmet yourself and submit it....The reason that you haven't is because you can't. So please don't put down modelers files because they aren't as accurate as you think they should be. I welcome anyone who wants to model the helmets better to do so without the negative comments and submit their files for criticism.
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i agree. if youre not happy with the files, dont use them. or make better ones.

no files are accurate, because an accurate file would be ready to 3d print and look like on screen. but thats not the point of pepakura. pepakura gives you the rough shape and you have to put some love and effort into it to get it perfect.

if youre not willing to do that, i think you might be wrong here.
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